A Visit

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It has been 3 weeks since I last talked to Kageyama. I see him in class but he would always slip away and hide from me during lunch.

As I step in class, I realize that everyone's here except for Kageyama. Where is he?


I think I should go and see if he skipped school and just went to practice.

"Nice kill Hinata!" I poke my head inside the gym, looking around to look for him.

"Y/N! Hey! What brings you here?" I hear Sugawara's voice and look at him.

"Oh sorry for disrupting practice but I was wondering if Kageyama's here? I didn't see him in class today so I was just checking if he's here."

"Ah, he texted saying that he's sick today. So we gave him the day off. Poor kid, he's been off his game lately and Prelims are next week already. I guess he pushed himself too much."

Prelims?! Maybe that's why he hasn't had the chance to talk to me! Or does he think that I'm still mad at him?

I should go visit him...


Hinata's POV

I'm so tired, this practice was kinda intense since Kageyama wasn't here today. As I grab my bike to head home I see (Y/N) walking towards me.


I give her a warm smile and a hug. She's just so cute, she waits for me every time I have practice and I would walk her home while talking about random things.

"Hey (Y/N)! How are you? I was just about to leave, want to walk-"

"Can you take me to Kageyama's house instead of mines?"

"Kageyama's... house?" Why would she want to see him?

I look down and see that she has a bag in her hand. She looks worried too.

"Yeah, I heard that he's sick so I brought him some porridge. I just want to check up on him."

"Oh okay then! Let's go!" And so we walk.


"Sorry that I asked you so suddenly, I'm guessing that you live near here?"

"Yeah, just going up the hill there." I point to the hill that's ahead of us.

I know that those two are friends but do they see each other more than that? I've talked to (Y/N) everyday since she got here, and all she does is talk about her past with Kageyama.

I like her, I really do.

She started talking about how she hasn't talked to Kageyama these past 3 weeks. So that's why she couldn't stop talking about him.

"Can I ask you something (Y/N)?

"You already did!" She starts laughing.

I just glare at her.

"Oh, you're serious."

I sigh, "What's your relationship with Kageyama?"

"R-Relationship? I mean we're just friends!"

I don't believe that. "My mom once told me, when you're in love you see the world brighter and filled with colors." I stop walking and look at her.

"My world is seem brighter, ever since you entered my life, (Y/N). You understand me, you've helped me. And I just want to thank you for that... Can I ask you about something?

I look in her e/c eyes.

Without breaking eye contact, I grab her wrist and slide down her jacket, revealing horizontal cuts.


How did he notice? Did I not cover it enough?
I look at my wrist and back at him. He's concerned, I can tell.

"H-How long have you known, Hinata?" I manage to squeak out.

"It has been a while now. I don't want to see you hurt Y/N. I don't know what happened to you but if it was Kage-"

"It doesn't involve him. I promise. These are just scars before coming to Karasuno. I know how much you care about me but I'm fine now. I just need to figure some things out, starting with Kageyama."

I give him a hug and say my goodbye.

This is it, after 3 whole weeks of not talking to Kageyama, I'm on his doorstep. What if he doesn't let me in? This is a bad idea, I better go back home.

Without thinking, I knock.

Nooo! Damnit, I didn't mean to do that. He's not answering, maybe he's asleep? Okay, good. I turn around and start to walk away.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"


"Thank you, Kageyama." I say as he hands me a cup of chocolate milk.

"I'm sorry I came here unannounced. I heard that you were sick so I thought that I'd swing by to see how you feel! I brought you some porridge, you should eat it before it gets cold."

"Thank you (Y/N), I feel better now though. I had enough rest so I'll be going back to school tomorrow."

I smile awkwardly and look around the room.

"Listen, Kageyama, I'm sorry about how I acted that day. I didn't mean what I said, I just couldn't think straight so everything I said was out of anger."

"It's fine, I already know you didn't mean it, but you did have a point though. I'm still kind of new to the friend thing. Maybe you should go look for a new friend to replace me, like Hinata."

Replace him? No way, I can't let him believe that he's a bad friend. I push him off the couch, making him fall forward.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

He turns to look up and I go on top of him.

"Dumbass! You're my best friend, and I couldn't have asked for a better one. You've helped me so much and you repay me by saying to replace you?!"

I sit on his lap.

"When I saw you on my first day here, you can't imagine how excited I was to see you. It was like I couldn't breathe because of how excited I was."

I look down to see his reaction, but he's looking away and blushing? Did I say something wrong? I finally realize how I'm sitting down.


"Oh, uh, I'm sorry! I- You- Uh, I didn't see where I was sitting. Uh, let me get up." I start to get up and feel my face getting red.

Kageyama grabs my wrist and pulls me down, back to where I was. He sits up and hugs me.

He whispers in my ear,

"Let's just... stay like this... okay?"

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