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Kageyama's POV

I can hear her heartbeat beating faster and faster. I never want to let her go.

"You know, this is the first time we hug like this, Tobio..."

"I guess it is, huh?"

"Well, uh it's getting a bit late. I think I'll go home now. Hope you feel better and thank you for your time." She bows and starts to walk to the door.

I look outside the window and see that it's raining.

"Uh (F/N)! Are you sure you want to walk home?" I point at the window.

"You can spend the night here..." I look away quickly.

Why did I ask her that? She'll probably think I'm weird or something."

"Uh well, my mom just texted that she's working late. I'll tell her I'm staying over!"

That's right, her mom.

"Oh yeah, how's your mom? Last time I saw her was when you moved away."

"Well you know, she still works all day and night."

I knew it, her mom is always away for work and would leave (Y/N) alone at home.

"So when you were away, were you alone?"

(Y/N) stops smiling and stays quiet.

"How about we don't talk about me?" She laughs. "How about we watch a movie?! A scary one!"

The thing about (Y/N) is that she always runs away from her problems and not towards them. I used to be like that too, but I hated myself for doing that.

I really hope that she changes that, I want to help her. To be by her side.


(Y/N)'s  POV

"AHHHHH! I-I didn't think that there'd be a jump scare this early!" It's been a long time since I've watched a scary movie like this one.

"Don't tell me you're already scared! It literally just started!"

"I-I'm not scared it just kind of surprised me!" I look back at the TV.

Okay, this movie is definitely scary. I don't want to watch it anymore but Kageyama is going to make fun of me. Maybe I should talk to him so I could get distracted for a bit.

This is the perfect time to tell him...

"Hey Tobio, I need to talk to you ab...out... Kageyama? Where are you? Ugh, I can't see anything!"

I stand up from the couch and start to walk forward.

"Kageyama stop playing games!"


I scream and fall forward hitting my knee to the coffee table. Dammit, Tobio.

He starts laughing hysterically.

"Oh my gosh, you really were scared hahaha!"

I Miss Your Shining Eyes {Kageyama x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now