Finding Love Again

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I died, but at the same time, I was revived. I was known as Sang Sorenson before I died right before my nine boyfriends. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was in a body that wasn't mine. I learned about the life of my new body. What I didn't expect was that I was an heiress who had been in a coma due to a car accident for a year. I become Aria Whitethorne. When I move to New York, another attempt on my life happens, and I run to a place no one would think: South Carolina. Upon research, I learned that my nine boyfriends had left for Europe. In a sarcastic twist of fate, I moved into the house I lived in as Sang and starts to find who wants me dead.

On a rainy day, I run into my past. When I come face to face to the men that I had loved, will I be able to keep my heart or will I give it away?

My name was Sang Sorenson. My new name is Aria Whitethorne, and this is my story.


Pain was my world. Searing, excruciating pain that was multiplied by lying in a dank alleyway. I never thought that a simple mission would turn into me being stabbed and dying in a dark and wet alley. I regretted not listening to my family. My vision grew hazy. Tears welled in my eyes, but my blurry vision wasn't because of that. I knew that I was dying. It was slow and scary. When my stepmom abused me, it was nothing compared to this because I knew that I wasn't leaving behind someone who cared for me. But now, I didn't want to leave behind the kind, sweet, yet loud nine men who loved me.

A cough erupted from me, and I felt fluid spew from my mouth. The coppery taste of blood filled my taste, and my breathing grew unsteady. I sighed, growing tired. I blinked at the night sky. It was so dark yet littered with stars. The north star twinkled in the sky, and a tear slid down my cheek.

So tired. Closing my eyes, I heard thumping and muffled sounds. As it grew closer, the words became clearer. "Sang!"

I tried to scream or make a noise, but it was as if my energy was gone. The most I could was make a soft groan, hoping my North Star will find me. I heard footsteps at the entry of the alley and a sharp gasp. He screamed for his brothers as his feet splashed into water towards me. Warm arms wrapped around my cold body, and the sounds of sobbing was above me. In a moment, there were nine voices calling for me. Calling for me to wake up. TO smile. To live.

I wrestled with my eyes, wanting to open them. But I soon found that it was impossible to open my eyes at all. Drops of water fell on my skin. My face. My hands.

"Sang," a voice wept above me. The scent of sugar told me it was Luke. "Don't go! You got to wake up. Stay with me. You told me that we would always be together always and forever. Please, don't go."

Warms hands, and eight other scents wrapped around me, begging me to fight. I tried. I tried to fight, but I felt myself slipping. It was as if I was hanging from the end of a rope, and the only thing that kept from falling was my hold. With a wish for my nine loves to find love again, my hands slipped from the rope, and I plunged into darkness.



Thump, thump, thump. I tried to open my eyes, but it felt as if there was lead on them. Scared that my nine boyfriends were still worrying about me, I fought to open my eyes. With a groan, I successfully opened them to see a face above me.

Delicate features looked down at me. Blonde hair that looked so much like mine was pulled back into a bun, and gray eyes looked at me in shock. Tears filled her eyes, and suddenly she wrapped her arms around me. With a sob, she spoke, "You're awake. Oh, god, you're awake."

I jerked away from her, or tried to, but I was weak. But she felt it and looked at me in confusion. "What's wrong, Aria?"

"Aria?" I croaked. "Who's Aria?"

Worry filled in her eyes. "You're Aria."

I shook my head. "I am? Who are you?"

Her smile faltered. "My name is Valerie Whitethorne. I'm your mother. You've been in a coma for a year when we were coming back from a fashion show."

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