That hit me like a truck

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Lenna woke up when the car stopped. It was dark outside and they were in the middle of a forest. "I know that you love these old houses. So I bought us one." Walters smiled when he opened her car door. "It's very sweet of you." Lenna whispered. Walters picked up Lenna and carried her to the house.

"You can sleep here. I'm downstairs in the living room." Walters said before kissing Lenna's forehead and cutting through the zip tie. "Good night, baby." he said before closing the door. When Lenna was sure that Walters was downstairs she got out of bed quietly.

She searched through the drawers and closet and found a radio, a pair of tweezers and a vintage alarm clock. She sat by the window, where the moon shone in and lit up a part of the floor.

"Okey... Uh... I can turn it into a transmitter out of a receiver, but to actually send out something I need more parts." Lenna mumbled under her breath. She pulled the clock open but didn't find anything useful from there. "Fuck." Lenna sighed. She gathered everything from the floor and hid them in the closet.

"Okey, Lenna. Breath. You can do this." Lenna whispered to herself when she stood at the top of the stairs. She lowered herself to sit and then slid quietly down the stairs.

Lenna found herself in the hall. She hopped the most quietly she could with the help of furniture around her. She peeked around a corner and saw Walters sleeping on the couch.

Then a light lit up in Lenna's mind. She went out the front door and to the car. With a few simple tricks she opened the car door and climbed inside. "Of course it's a manual car." Lenna mumbled when she sat inside. She spark started the car and drove away.

She heard shots behind her. "Fuck you, Walters!" she yelled when one shot went by very close . She speed off into the darkness of the night.


Lenna was totally lost. She had no idea in which way to move and just followed the road. She saw no other cars and her anxiety grew with every second. At one point she was crying behind the wheel.

And then it came. A huge truck slammed into Lenna's car and threw it off the highway. Lenna felt the car roll over and she slammed her head into the steering wheel.

"Miss? Oh god, what did I do?" the truck driver ran out of his vechiel. He hurried towards Lenna's car. "Miss? Can you hear me? I'll call the ambulance!" he shouted in his shock. "I'm fine. I think. Uh... Can I borrow your phone?" Lenna asked in her dizziness. "Sure. I'll just make a quick call." the driver said.


"Tony, you should get some sleep. We will continue tomorrow morning." Steve said with a comforting hand on Tony's shoulder. Tony was totally lost. He stared infront of him with no reaction to what Steve was saying. "Tony?" Steve gave his shoulder a gentle shake. "Uh, yeah. Whatever, Cap. I'll go to the lab."


"It seems that I have forgotten my fiance's number." Lenna chuckled embarrassed with herself. "It's fine, miss. The ambulance and police will be right here. They'll get you home." the truck driver smiled. "Lenna?! Lenna!" Lucas emerged from the woods. "Baby? It's so good to see you. I'm so sorry I don't know what happened to me." Lenna smiled and kissed the man's cheek. Lucas smiled wider than he ever had.

"Excuse me. Who are you?" Lucas asked from the truck driver. "Look, I'm sorry man. I caused this accident. It was my fault. The ambulance and police will be right here." he explained. "No, no need. My baby looks fine to me. I don't want money either. Have a nice day, sir." Lucas smiled before leading Lenna away and into the forest.

"I'm sorry, baby. I don't remember why I left." Lenna mumbled while her arm was around Lucas's. "Don't worry about it. All that matters is that you are fine." Lucas smiled. "I guess. My head hurts like hell but I'm fine." Lenna mumbled while wiping her forehead. "It's bloody. Do you think it would be to late to go back and into a hospital?" Lenna asked while looking at her hand. "You are fine. Don't worry. I know." Lucas smiled and kissed her temple. "You are the best, Lucas Walters! You always know what's best for me."


"Let's get you back into bed. Until we get married I'll sleep in the living room." Lucas explained when he lifted Lenna into bed. "Oh, my little Christian boy." Lenna smiled and cupped Lucas's cheek. "Can't make god mad." Lucas smiled and kissed Lenna.


"Lenna? It's me! Don't worry, sweetheart."
Lenna opened her eyes and saw a man kneeling infront of her but his face was foggy.
"Who are you?"
The man said his name but it was muffled out in Lenna's ears.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you."
The man reached his hands towards her and lifted Lenna up on the bed.
"Anything for you, sweetheart."


Lenna woke up with a terrible headache. "Lucas? Baby? Can you get me some painkillers?" Lenna shouted. After a few moments she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "I made you breakfast and here are the painkillers you asked for." Lucas smiled while placing the tray of food on Lenna's lap. "Thanks, baby. You are the best." Lenna smiled. "Anything for my baby."

"Hey, baby. When will our wedding be? I seem to have forgotten." Lenna asked while admiring the ring around her finger. "In a few days. We'll get married in Vegas." Lucas smiled and kissed Lenna's cheek. "Thanks. It's so stupid of me to forget something so important." Lenna mumbled shyly. "That's fine, baby. You had a small accident and shock does weird things to people." Lucas assured Lenna. "If you say so."


Tony rewatched the security footage of that event over and over again. He hoped that he would see something in that. "Mr. Stark, Captain Rogers is looking for you." FRIDAY notified. "Lead him here." Tony mumbled and turned off the video. "What's up, Cap?" he asked, turning his chair to face Steve. "We may have a lead, but don't get your hopes up."


"Lucas, baby. I'm going to lay down for a moment. My head hurts very much." Lenna said to him. "Sure thing, baby. I'll make you some lunch." Lucas smiled and kissed Lenna. "Thanks, baby."

Lenna got in the bed. She was still in that pink fluffy dress. "Why am I wearing this?" she mumbled while smoothing the fabric a bit. She pulled the blanket over her head and fell asleep almost instantly.


"Lenna? I need a favour."
"It's you again."
Lenna watched the man infront of her. He held a rifle in his hands.
"Please take this."
"No, I can't. I don't shoot."
"Yes, you do. Lenna, you have to remember."
Lenna shook her head violently.
"Go away! I don't know who you are."
"Lenna, sweetheart. It's me. You know me."
"No I don't! Stay away and take that thing with you!"


Lenna's eyes shot open. "Lucas!" she screamed. She heard heavy footsteps running up the stairs and the door shot open. "What is it, baby?" he asked with his eyes wide open. "This guy in my dream wanted me to take a gun! I don't know how to shoot, baby. Why would he do that?" Lenna asked through tears. "Did you saw his face?" Lucas asked while sitting on the edge of the bed. "No, it was blurry. But it scared me." Lenna answered. Lucas wrapped his hand around Lenna and she snuggled close to him. "You are safe with me."

But then Lenna started thinking. She didn't remember anything about Lucas and their life together. It made Lenna's head hurt even more. "What's wrong?" Lucas asked when he noticed Lenna's grimace. "My head." Lenna mumbled. "Oh, baby. I'm going to get you some more painkillers." Lucas soothed before walking out the room. "What is going on?" Lenna gasped in shock.

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