Northern lights

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Lenna was on the plane to Canada's northern part. "So, Miss. What brings you to the snowy heaven?" the pilot asked. "Running away from restraints." Lenna explained. "And who wants to restrain such a pretty girl?" he asked. "Laws."

"Let me guess. You don't have a place to stay." the pilot guessed. "Damn right I don't. You happen to know a place?" Lenna asked while looking around. "Yeah, me and my family are basically the only people this far up. We'd like to house you until you can return to your homeland." the man smiled. "If that doesn't cause you any problems." Lenna mumbled shyly. "No. I think it's time for a proper introduction, my name is Jack Holligan. What's yours?" the man asked while taking off his mitten to shake hands. "Jennifer Smith." Lenna smiled and shook his hand.

"Honey, I am back. I brought a guest, who will stay with us for awhile." Jack yelled when he entered the house. Lenna followed closely behind. "Daddy! I missed you so much!" a small girl ran up to Jack. "Hi, sweety. I missed you too." Jack smiled and kissed the girl's forehead. "Hey, dad." a young man walked into the room. "Umm... Who is that?" he asked while pointing at Lenna. "Jennifer. And you are?" Lenna asked smiling. "Logan. That's my little sis Sofia." he pointed at the little girl.

"Hi, honey." a tall brunette woman entered the hallway. She kissed Jack and then looked at Lenna. "Honey, who is this?" she asked. "That's Jennifer. She'll stay with us for a sometime." Jack introduced Lenna. "Hi, I'm Emily." the brunette woman smiled.


Lenna sat in the kitchen alone. She was drinking coffee with a bit of scotch to calm her nerves. "Hey..." Emily stepped inside. "Hi." Lenna mumbled and smiled weakly at her. "I can feel that there is something bothering you. Mother instincts." Emily smiled and sat next to Lenna. "You see... I told Jack that I was running from the law and well it is true but there is more to that. But that's long story so I don't know whether you want to hear it or not." Lenna mumbled.

"If it's a long story then write me a resume." Emily smiled at Lenna. "Alright. I'll try. Give me a minute." Lenna mumbled and fell into thought.

"So basically there is this guy and I felt instant click between us. I thought he did too. Then he did a bad thing that was an accident and he blames himself for it. And I was defending him but he wanted to self pity himself and I didn't like that and I ran. And now because of his accident there is a new accord written and I would have been fine but he turned me in. He betrayed me. And I ran... Here." Lenna quickly spoke with one breath. "So if I got it right there is a man who you love but he turned you in to the law?" Emily asked after a moment. "Yeah. And he hurt me by accident also... He doesn't know that..." Lenna's voice faded away.

"Come here. You have had a rough life, sweety. If I knew him he wouldn't live another day." Emily whispered while hugging Lenna. "I could do it myself. I am pretty good with a gun." Lenna chuckled while wiping a few tears away.

"Then you can go hunting tomorrow with Logan." Emily smirked. "Sure."


"I don't think that sneakers are the best option to wear here." Lenna said while watching her shoes. "That's why I got you these." Emily smiled and handed Lenna a huge pile of clothes. "These look warm."

Lenna got a thick winter coat, a pair of winter pants and snow boots. Emily found her also a hat and a two pairs of gloves. "Now you should be warm. Logan is in the shed waiting for you." Emily patted Lenna's arm. "Thanks."

Lenna walked outside and found Logan already waiting for her. "Put these on and here is your gun." Logan muttered while handing Lenna a pair of ski goggles. "I don't have to come with you if you don't want to." Lenna mumbled. "No, you're fine until I don't have to save you. The last girl I brought with me ran away screaming when a bit of snow fell on her head." Logan chuckled a bit in the end.

"I won't do that. Wait... How old even are you?" Lenna asked while eyeing Logan. "I'm twenty-four but my beard makes me look older." Logan smiled. "Um, yeah. My bad." Lenna smiled. "That's alright. Now lets go. I'll start the snowmobile."

Logan rounded the corner on his snowmobile. He stopped right infront of Lenna and lifted his ski goggles up. "Climb on." he ordered. Lenna nodded and settled in behind him. "It might get a little bumpy. And it will be fast." Logan grinned before letting down his goggles and lifting his scarf up. Lenna gripped tightly around Logan and hid her face in the warmth of his coat.


"We are here." Logan announced after he turned off the engine. "It's late already so we will stay here for tonight." Lenna nodded and climbed off the snowmobile. "Go inside. I got it." Logan nodded and threw her a set of keys. "I thought Canadians were honest people." Lenna smiled while unlocking the door. "Some animals are smart. They can open the door unless it's locked." Logan chuckled while slinging a bag over his shoulder.

"I'll get some wood." Logan said before exiting the small hut. Lenna took off her hat and gloves but it was too cold for her to take off her coat yet. She looked around in the hut and found some candles that she lit up for light.

"See you found the candles. I'll get the fire started and then it will get warm quickly." Logan said while taking off his coat, mittens, hat and winter pants. "That's a nice sweater you have." Lenna mentioned quietly. "My mom knitted it. She didn't have enough gray yarn so the collar is green." Logan chuckled while throwing the logs in the fireplace and liting it up.

"What do you usually do here?" Lenna asked after almost and hour of silence which bored Lenna. "Clearing my mind. Staring into the fire. Looking at northern lights." Logan mumbled. "Northern lights?" Lenna asked while staring at Logan with an amazed look. "Yeah. They are pretty common around here." Logan smiled.

"Umm... Can we?" Lenna asked sheepishly. "Sure. Get dressed. Take my sweater also. It's cold for southerners like you. No offense." Logan mumbled while handing Lenna his sweater. "Thanks. And non taken." Lenna smiled while putting on Logan's sweater. "That's so big on me!" Lenna laughed when the sleeves covered even the tips of her fingers. "I'm a big man, okay?" Logan laughed while throwing Lenna's coat at her.

"So where's the best place to look at them?" Lenna asked quietly. "I'll show you." Logan whispered back and grabbed Lenna's hand to lead her forward. Lenna watched at their connected hands and she felt a certain kind of sadness in her heart knowing that the hand in hers wasn't Tony's.

"Do you smoke?" Lenna asked after sometime of silence and walking. "No. I have actually never even tried." Logan said. "You do?" he asked after a moment. "Uh yeah. But I seem to have lost my pack somewhere. Hoped that you might have a cigarette or two."

"And if you look that way there they are." Logan whispered and pointed at somewhere. Lenna followed his finger and gasped at how beautiful the night sky was. "That's amazing!" she sighed quietly. "Glad you like it."

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