Mr. Kidnapper?

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Morning alarm hits my ears and I feel the burning sensation. This is one of the things I hate the most. I wake up and freshen up.

I already feel so free that I haven't felt in the last 18 years. I can do whatever I want. I can go wherever I want. Oh! This feeling!!

I have no idea what to eat. I'm already so hungry. I'm always hungry. That struggle is real babe, my self conscious hits me. As I don't know that much about cooking so, my life will be depended on frozen and instant foods.Only survival cooking. But that smell from last night, I really wanna know who was cooking those sticks.

I head towards the fridge and get some cup noodles. It's almost noon, and my bath time. I enjoy this period with what I have. And as my mom isn't here I can bath for hours. And no one's gonna stop me. My mom keeps me calling continuously if I spend more than 30 minutes in bathroom.

The warm water is so nice. I feels the water touches every part of my body and all the stress from last night is relived. While bathing, I think what mom will be doing right now. Or, how's Harry! He didn't called me yet. I'll kill him. How can he be so irresponsible! I miss him too bad. I miss cupcake too. That little doggo would have lingered around me if I was there. Maybe, Betty would have asked me to join the nearest party there . This girl is my only friend who parties so hard. Last time when we both joined that arrogant and bitchy Jeffrey's party that was the worst one. She ended up drinking so badly and I had to take her home. I feel I'm smiling when the memories hit me. And then became upset. But so what, I'm a free bird now.

"Hey Finally! You are here " I hear a male voice. What the hell. Who came inside and how? I remember I locked the door. Then how can someone be here. Is it is a thief? Or kidnapper? Or mafia? No no no. How can they be here? Will he gonna kill me? I don't wanna die now. I just took admission, I want to get a job. I want to travel. What? No no no. This can't happen. I haven't even visited the Disney Land yet. God!! I also haven't even tasted the famous dishes all around the world. What should I do? Call the police?

I haven't my phone here. Stupid me. I promise, if I'll be alive I will never forget to bring phone in the bathroom. Then the phone will be inside the commode. Fuck self conscious. Damn! Why I didn't brought my clothes inside! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!! I'm gonna cry.

Okay! Stop now. Take a deep breath Amara. Chill. I calm myself down. I wrapped the towel around me tightly so that no one sees my naked body. And I step outside the bathroom. I go slowly and close my room's door without making noise. I take what I got best from the closet. I have nothing to hit someone around me. What should I take?

After finding hard, I got a long stick I don't know what it's doing here. But anyway, it gonna help me. I take the stick in my hand and pretended to be a Karate black belt holder. Why? I don't know. No time to waste. Let's go.

I step out of my room and walk towards the dining room and I see a man standing there and he's not normal. I mean he's wearing a bear mask which covered his whole face. I can only see a little bit of his hair from the back. I still move towards him and with the stick in my hand.

'Who are you?' I asked huskily.

He turns his back and I see actually his face covered. Why? He's definitely a kidnapper. I was just about to him with that stick but he stops me with his strong arm. Damn! I wish I was a man with that strong arms and body.

'What are you doing? And who are you?', he asked me in an angry tone. ' Why are you in this house?' He has a thick Korean accent in his  English which is quite attractive. But it's faded in front of his behavior.

What he's trying to say! He's the one in the wrong house. And he's showing attitude huh! He throws the stick in the floor.

'That should be my question.' I replied angrily. 'This is my house and I live here. Who are you? And how did you get in here? You are a kidnapper right!! Wait, I'm calling the police right now.'

I head to get my phone and he grabs my hand and forcefully pulls me to him. His grip is so hard that I can't jerk him away. Our bodies were closed with each other. And his face was so close to me. Thanks to that bear mask otherwise.... I jerk my conscious away.

'What are you doing? Leave me or I'll scream!', I warn him. But no. He used his hand to cover my mouth. I didn't noticed, but his hands are so hot and beautiful!

'What are you looking at? And can you stop for a second?', he asked calmly. I don't think it will be a good idea to talk calmly with a kidnapper. But if I'll not agree he'll not leave me. So I said yes.

We both sat in the sofa next to us face to face but with a distance. 'Now tell me , who you are?' he asks. 'Well, I should be asking that question.' I said. ' But still, I'm Amara.'

'Why are you here? Are you Venice's relative or something? Because, as far as I know, she doesn't have any kids,' he said. I felt like I was the Culprit who he caught red handed while doing something wrong in his house. Weird!

'You know her?' I asked. 'Yes. I'm her neighbor. Whenever she comes here, I visit her.' he said. 'Oh! She's my mother's friend. I'm here to live in her house as my college is near.' I said.

'Wait what! You are not a kidnapper?' I asked in surprise. ' Thanks God! I thought.... Let it go' I laughed. 'You thought what?' he asked. I can feel what he is feeling.

'Nothing! I thought you are a kidnapper or something who'll kill me or will take my organs and sell them at a high price.' i said quietly but enough loud that he can hear. 'What?' he said. ' Are you nuts?' 'I'm sorry. Anyway, what you want now?' I said in a rude tone.

'I thought it was Venice. So I brought her some cookies and mozzarella sticks which I made last night.' he said. 'But it's someone else. Anyway. I'll take them back.'

'No no no. Wait!,' I said. 'You brought them for Venice. I'm her guest. So, I have a right on them.' I said. I feel he is looking at me with a confused look. 'Well, can I taste some, please?' I begged. ' 'Actually, I smelled last night those mozzarella sticks. And I was craving so badly. But I don't how to cook them. So, you know.. And it's almost lunch time. So, can I....?'

He was confused a little bit, but agreed to my words. 'But...' he was about to say something. 'Don't worry. I'll wash your dishes and safely send them to you house. Where do you live by the way?', I said. 'The next door' he replied rudely and left.

Why is he rude? I mean, if someone will eagerly ask me to let them taste my dish, I will be the happiest person in this world. Weirdo!

I ate all those cookies and sticks. And I have to agree with the fact that he's really a nice cook. I was so full. Thanks to him.

A:N: Hey lovely people, second chapter is out! Let me know if you like it. Keep supporting and shower some love❤️ K, Thanks, Bye!

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