Chapter 11 - Rude Boy

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I walked to the cafeteria, thinking about Jordon. Which was wrong, since I was coming here to eat lunch with Ricky. But, anyways...

All throughout lunch, me and Ricky talked and laughed. He was charming as usual, and I put on a good show. It wasn't that I wasn't interested, I just kept thinking about Jordon. Why do I feel such a connection with him, even though I only met him twice?

I thought I was doing a pretty good job of participating in the conversation, but apparently not. Ricky began to see that I had something else on my mind.

"Hey", he said. "What are you thinking about so hard?"

"Hmm?" I looked up from the table, I heard what he said, I just wasn't paying attention. "Oh, I'm just..." How do I tell the guy I have a crush on, that I am thinking about another guy, who also happens to be his archenemy/rival? "I'm just thinking about that project... that I have to do..."

I could tell by the way that he was looking at me, I had been caught in a lie.

"Nice try." He smiled. "But what are you really thinking about? I know it isn't school-related."

He let his head rest on his hand on the table, and focused on me. "I've got all day, so take your time."

Just as I was about to speak, the bell rings. Whew! Saved by the bell - literally.

He gets up with me as we throw away our trays, and I hope he doesn't make eye contact.

But. He looks right in my eyes. "I'm going to get it out of you, Laina. Just wait, I'll even text you if I have to!"

I laughed and I hoped it didn't sound like I was nervous.


Since we didn't have any classes together, I wasn't worried about speaking to Ricky until the end of the day.

The rest of my classes after lunch went by quickly, much more quickly than I expected.

It was afterschool, when I had my third encounter with Jordon.

I stayed a little while after everyone in my last period, to talk to my teacher and make sure that I understood tonight's homework assignment.

After that, I walked into the quiet halls and tried to remember the way to the school's main entrance. I must've made a wrong turn, because I was completely lost by the time he found me.

Hands in his pockets, Jordon Fields came strolling down the hallway opposite mine. He looked at me.

"The school isn't that big, you know." He smirked. "So how'd you get lost?"

I refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I couldn't find my way through the school.

"I'm not lost, I was just looking - I mean, admiring your school's bulletin boards." I noticed a display of awards on the opposite wall. "And also the school's achievements."

He smirked. "Okay, then." He began to walk away. Then abruptly stopped and turned around. "Well, I'm leaving so... If you're done admiring Falls High, then you can follow me. But you don't have to... since you're not 'lost'."

He looked at me expectantly, and just then my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and checked.

1 new message.

Either my mom, or Ricky. And right now, I'm not sure which one is worse.

I looked back at Jordon. He was walking away, with that (cute) smirk on his face.

I tried to hurry after him, before I lost sight of him as he made his way out of the school.

I opened the message as I walked behind Jordon.

Hey, I didn't see you outside. Where r u? Txt me back when u get this. U okay?

I smiled to myself, then looked up when I heard Jordon snicker.

"Boyfriend or mom?", he asked me.

"How do you know that there isn't more than two?"


"That's not even a reason!"


Uhhh!!! He was frustrating.

But... he was cute. I stole a glance at him, from the corner of my eye.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally made it outside, to the main entrance. Unlike Ricky, Jordon must've had no home training. He opened the door for himself, and (rudely might I add), let it slam in my face.

As I walked through the door, I noticed him walking towards a black Harley parked not too far from the school's curb.

"Excuse me!", I yelled to him. "Rude much?"

"What?" He was already on his motorcycle, strapping on his helmet. "Oh, yeah. My bad, forgot you were there."

He started the engine, and then said to me:

"Thanks again for my ring!"

And then he rode off in a cloud of smoke, without a second glance.

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