Chapter 9 - Meeting Jordon

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I got home around 9:02, which (according to my mom) was cutting it close, since I was supposed to be home before 9:00.  But somehow I only got off with a warning and a short lecture on how she knew that 'it would not happen again'.

When I got upstairs, I went straight into routine mode. Shower, comfy clothes, pizza for dinner, and then... Waiting for him to text me.

I knew Ricky would text me soon, I figured he was just the kind of guy to check in with me after a date. So I wasn't surprised when, at 9:45, I got a text saying:

You enjoyed the date, Laina? *smiley and silly face emojis*

Yeah, thanks it was great! *blushing emoji*

Kay, well I'm going to pick u up at 7:45 tomorrow, kay?

For what?

School, duh!

Oh, it's fine you don't have to

But I want to, so I will *stern face and silly emoji*

Kay, and thankz

Yup! See you tomorrow, Night



He picked me up at 7:45, as promised, and also brought us breakfast from McDonalds.

"I'm not feeling school breakfast today", he told me when I hopped into his car. "Thought you might want some, too." He smiled at me.

We talked and laughed, while eating our egg McMuffins, on the drive to school.

When we finally arrived, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, and told me to meet up with him before we go to lunch.

The kiss was a surprise.

I was still shocked when I walked into my first period. I felt like I was walking on a cloud (and I couldn't have that) so I tried to compose myself.


First period was long, and long, and... Oh yeah, boring. I honestly just wasn't into Algebra at 8:30 to 9:15 in the morning. Anyways, it was the end of first period and the bell rang, when I did something incredibly stupid.

I grabbed my books and was trying to get out of class, as quickly as I could, hoping to see Ricky somewhere in the hallway.

And then I ran into something hard. It was a chest. Someone's well-defined chest.

Mumbling an apology, I looked up into his eyes.

I recognized him immediately: Jordon Fields.

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