Chapter 7 - Before the Date

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The school day passed by really, really slow. I guess that's just because I was really looking forward to tonight. The one thing I wasn't looking forward to, was my mom meeting Ricky.

I could tell, from day one, that Ricky was bad boy. And if I knew my mother, then I knew that a 'bad boy' was not the kind of guy she wanted her daughter to go out with.

Not that I was 'going out' with him. I was just going on a date. Scratch that, we were just going on a date...

Anyways, the day went by extremely slow. By the time school was over, I found myself more than a little nervous at the prospect of going out on a date with Ricky Snyder.

I tried to get myself together. Okay, Laina. It's just a date. You've gone on numerous dates with multiple guys before.... But then again, none of them was Ricky.

And then I tried to shake off my nervousness, as I walked out the main entrance and saw Ricky waiting for me in his white Cadillac.


We sure were attracting attention. But today, I decided not to worry about that.

I leaned down and looked at him through the open passenger window.

Ricky smiled at me.

Ricky: "Get in."

I opened the passenger door and slid onto the beige, leather seat.

He immediately stepped on the gas, and we sped away from the school in a cloud of smoke.


"So", I said. "What have you got planned?"

"A special night."

"And does this 'special night' include food? I'm starving, and school lunch just doesn't cut it."

Ricky chuckled.

"Of course, the best there is. We're going to The Seaside Diner. It's a five-star restaurant and has the best seafood in Falls."

I smiled. "Sounds nice."

He slowed to a stop, as we pulled up to the curb outside my house.

He got out and moved to my side of the car to open the door for me.

I saw my mother standing on the porch, as she watched me get out of his car.

He was the perfect gentleman as we walked up the steps to my house.

He greeted my mother.

"You must be Laina's mother. Nice to meet you."

He made eye contact with her, and shook my mother's hand.

"And you must be Ricky. Come inside and sit down. I've got cookies set out, If you'd like any."

My mother smiled warmly at Ricky. She must like him... or is at least warming up to him. Which is strange for me, considering I thought she wouldn't like him at all.

I kissed my mother on the cheek.

"Hey, mom. I'm going upstairs to get changed. I'll be down in a bit."

"Okay, Laina. Me and Ricky we get acquainted."

As soon as I got upstairs, I slammed my bedroom door and racked my brain for something to wear. Okay, what do I want to wear? I need something nice, but not too nice. So... fancy, but also kind of casual. If that makes any sense.

I opened my closet doors and looked through my choices.

Jeans, jeans, jeans. Black jeans, blue jeans, ripped jeans. No.

Shirts. Black, blue, red, white. No.

I already knew that I wasn't going to wear a skirt or a dress, so I didn't consider those options.

I reached into my closet and found what I needed.

Yes! That's it! I pulled out my black long-sleeved off the shoulder shirt, paired with a pair off white skinny jeans, and my black flats with the little bows on the front.

After I got dresses I admired myself in the mirror. Yep. Perfect. I added the perfect accessories and jewelry to go with my outfit, then I pulled hair out and let it breath.

Yeah, I'll just wear my hair out. Sometimes, I think my hair spends too much time up in a bun.

I did a double check one more in my full-length mirror, then decided to head back downstairs.

As I entered the living room, I was surprised to see Ricky and my mother laughing together on one of the couches.

I must have entered a different world.

They looked up at me as their laughter came to an end.

My mother addressed us as we all walked to the door.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Ricky. Have fun." My mother turned back into her strict self once more.

"And be home before 9:00."

She stood on the porch and watched as we made our way back to the car.


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