Chapter 13 - Surprise!

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Saturday morning I woke up to the slam of the front door, and the sound of my moms' car engine. It was 9:30. This is around the time that she goes out on Saturdays to run her errands.

I peeked out the window, as she drove down the street and disappeared. Good. I'v got at least four hours to myself, and what I need to do is think.

Me and Ricky have been really distant lately. I mean... We still talk, but not the way we used to. And I think that he can tell there's something up with me.

It's in the way that he looks at me sometimes, when he thinks I don't notice. And they way he's cautious around me, closed instead of open.

Anyways... It's just not the same.


I finished my morning routine of getting myself together, at around 10:15 (yeah, it really takes me that long). Then, I had to figure out what to do.

Hmm. Well, I don't have a car, so driving myself somewhere is out of the question. I don't have any friends, so it's not like they could come pick me up...

Speaking of friends: Now that I think of it, I only (really) know two people in this school. Ricky and Jordon. And it just so happens that they're rivals.

Great. Just freakin great. I'm stuck at home with nothing to do, nowhere to go, no friends to -

I stopped. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating.

A new message. Which means : Either my mom is asking me if I'm okay/if I need anything while she's out... Or it's Ricky.

I opened it, and realized that it was an unknown number. Which shocked me. I just moved here a week and a half ago, I only speak with two people at Falls High... so who's texting me?

I opened the message and read:

Hey Laina, I'm sorry about being rude to you. I'll explain why I'm texting you this, when I see you. Look out your window.

I jumped over my bed and peered down threw open my curtains.

There. In the driveway was his all black Harley Davidson. He was also in all black. There was a helmet in his hands, and another one hanging from a handlebar. His hair was tousled, and he smiled as his dark eyes pierced mine.

Jordon Fields.


Hope you enjoyed this. Weren't expecting him to show up, were you? ;) Please vote and comment!!! :)

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