Our Stars

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Sixth Year, Harry's P.O.V
I turned the corner to the Astrology Tower. Draco had asked me to meet him here. It was around 10pm, and way past curfew. I wore my invisibility cloak, and held the Marauder's Map in my hands.

"Draco?" I called out softly, pulling the cloak off my head.

"Back here," he replied. I followed the sound of his voice, finding him sitting near the ledge of the Tower. I sat down next to him. He smiled and kissed me, before turning back to look at the stars.

"Aren't they beautiful? There's so many of them!" Draco exclaimed with childlike wonder. I hummed with agreement, my attention drawn quickly away from the stars to my beautiful boyfriend.

I asked, "Wanna know something?"


"You're amazing. I love you." He smiled at me.

"I love you too," he replied. He opened up his arms, pulling me in close.

"Isn't there a constellation called Draco?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"Yeah," he said. He starting pointing upwards. "See that super bright star? It's called Gamma Draconis. It's the brightest star in the constellation. Now if you follow it around...it makes the whole constellation. It's supposed to be a dragon."

"Because 'Draco' is Latin for 'dragon'?" I asked.

"Yes. You can see it all year. See next to it, there's the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, or Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Those can be seen all year, too," he said, softly, wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"How do you know so much about constellations?" I asked him.

"I used to be fascinated by astrology when I was little. I loved watching the stars and learning the constellations. My mother would sometimes join me and teach me about stars and showed me constellations. She named me Draco because she loved the stars, and now I love them too. It's like a little bit of her is with me wherever I go," he said, smiling.

"That's so sweet," I replied. "Teach me more constellations."

"You see those three stars in a line?" He asked me. I nodded. "That's Orion's belt. You can only see it in wintertime. It's easy to spot because the stars are so bright. If you look around it, you can see the rest of the stars that make up Orion's body."

"And near him is Canis Major, named after one of Orion's dogs," I replied, softly. Draco looked at me in surprise.

"How did you know that?" I chuckled at the surprise in his tone.

"Because one of the stars in it is Sirius. The brightest star in the sky," I whispered. "I like to believe he's up there with his star now. Looking after me. After us. He'd probably laugh at how philosophical I'm being right now." Draco smiled at me.

"He's up there. The brightest star in the sky," Draco affirmed. I smiled, leaning up to kiss him softly.

"Tell me more constellations. I only know that one," I said to him, loving when Draco taught me things.

"Okay. That over there, is Perseus, named after the Greek hero. And over there is Taurus, and Gemini is over there..."

I drifted off to the soothing sound of Draco's voice, tangled in his arms. He must have fallen asleep too because we both woke up when the sun rose. We hurried back to our dorms before we were caught. It was a lovely night.

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