Set up by students

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5 years after the Battle of Hogwarts
Harry scooped up the essays he had to grade, and made his way towards his room, barely able to see past the stack of papers. This was why he shouldn't assign homework. Then he had to grade it.

"Need some help with that Professor Potter?" A cool, teasing voice asked. Harry craned his neck around his papers, and suddenly they were slipping out of his grip and they cascaded to the floor.

"Ugh. Look what you did," Harry replied, mocking being grumpy. Draco laughed. The two had been teaching at Hogwarts for three years and had become good friends.

"You know, there is a spell for that," Draco said, still looking amused. He made a sweeping motion with his wand and the papers organized themselves into a stack. Then he murmured the Levitation Charm and let the papers float in front of them. "Come on, I'll walk you to your room." They started in the direction of the teachers' quarters, playfully bickering the entire way.


The next day, as Harry was collecting papers from his third-year class, he found a note on his desk, which read:

Meet me in the teachers' lounge, the one that's always empty, at lunch.

- D

Harry knew that 'D' likely meant Draco, but something was off about this note. The handwriting was slightly messier than Draco's is, and Draco would never sign a note '-D'. He would sign his whole name. He decided he would go, but he'd be cautious about it. He was curious about who had left the note, and why.


During the lunch hour, Harry walked towards the teachers' lounge watching the Marauder's Map. He saw that only Draco was sitting in the teachers' lounge, and a few third years' names appeared around the corner, but they were likely on their way to the Great Hall. Harry deactivated the map and shoved it in his pocket before entering the teachers' lounge.

"Hey, Draco. What's up?" Harry asked.

"Hey. So why did you want to meet me? And when did you set up all this food?" Draco asked, sitting at a table that was loaded with lunch food.

"Umm, I didn't set up any food. What do you mean? I thought you wanted to meet me," Harry replied, feeling extremely confused.

"You left me a note saying you wanted to meet me," Draco replied, pulling out a scrap of parchment. Harry pulled out the note he received.

"I got a note from you," Harry replied. "But I didn't think you wrote it. I thought someone was going to play a prank on me." They set their notes side-by-side. They quickly realized that neither of them had written these notes.

"I guess someone wanted us to have lunch together? But who? And why?" Draco asked. Harry shrugged.

"Can I keep your note? Maybe I can compare it with handwriting on the students' classwork and figure it out," Harry asked. Draco agreed and handed the note to Harry. The two ate the food set out, since it was already there, and enjoyed a meal together while pondering why someone brought them together today.


Later that evening, Harry is sitting in his room. He finished his last essay to grade and wrote the score on the top with a great flourish. He sighed and rested his head on the back of his chair, and removed his glasses to rub his eyes. When he opened them again, he glanced at the two scraps of parchment that lay on his desk. He picked them up, observing the handwriting once again. Whoever this person was, they had done Harry's untidy scrawl quite well. There were only a few giveaways which made it clear that Harry had not written it. But their imitation (assuming the same person wrote both notes) of Draco's handwriting was not as good. It was nowhere as neat as Draco's, but Harry suspected that it had still taken this person many tries to get it even this neat. Harry guessed that this person was below fifth year because the upper years tended to have neater handwriting and no time for doing something like this.

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