Eighth Year

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Eighth Year, Draco's POV
I had returned to Hogwarts for eighth year. Many of my classmates came back as well: most of the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, and some of the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins.

Eighth years had separate dorms and a common room; they weren't split among the Houses. Eighth years dorms housed 2 people, and you were allowed to choose who you stayed with. They had even allowed girls and boys to stay together since most eighth years were legal adults and many of the rules were relaxed for us.

So, Daphne and Pansy shared, as did Goyle and Nott. Blaise has chosen to stay with Longbottom, which he had told me while blushing enormously and stumbling over his words. I simply grinned and told him to do what he wants. I heard that Weasley and Granger were sharing, as well as Thomas and Finnigan. The Patil twins shared as well since they were no longer in separate houses. Potter had approached me and hesitantly asked if we could share considering the rest of our friends had paired off. I agreed.

I lay in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tonight was our first night back at Hogwarts. The Sorting Ceremony had proceeded as normal with just as many first years as previous years, which surprised me slightly. I assumed parents would be hesitant about sending their children to school, but I guess not. I heard the sound of Potter's bed creaking as he got into it. He switched off his light.

"Goodnight, Malfoy," he mumbled as he shut his eyes.

"Goodnight, Potter." A few minutes passed, and I turned my light off, sinking down into my pillows.

"Hey, Potter?" I found myself asking.

"Yeah?" I was relieved to know he was awake.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you for so long. It wasn't right and I was an idiot," I said

"S'alright. I'm sorry for how I treated you as well. I wasn't nice either," he said. I nodded, although he couldn't see me in the dark. A few more minutes passed, but his breathing did not even out, so I assumed he was awake.

"Hey, Potter?" I asked for a second time.


"Do you snore?"

He burst out laughing, a low rumble that shook his bed and made it creak. I started laughing as well. I really loved his laughter.


A few days later, I returned to our dorm after dinner to find Harry already there. He was sitting on the end of his bed, hand on a handsome, leather-covered book.

"Hey, Malfoy," he greeted, not looking up. I echoed the greeting.

"What's that? Are you actually studying?" I asked him teasingly.

"Ha, ha," he replied sarcastically. "No, it's a photo album."

"Can I see it?" I asked. He nodded. I sat down on his bed next to him, and he opened the book. There were many pictures of his parents first, followed by pictures of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, as well as their son, Teddy. I remembered Harry was Teddy's godfather. There were pictures of Sirius Black with Harry's dad and Lupin. There was an old picture of a group of adults, which Harry told me was the original Order of the Phoenix, an order created to fight Voldemort. Then there were pictures of the Weasleys, and one of the Weasley twins. The Weasley twins now owned a successful business; their shop had grown even more after the war.

Harry told me how Hagrid had collected pictures of his parents for him in the first year. Since then, Harry had added pictures of the rest of his friends and family which he had dug up from various places.

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