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3 years after the Battle of Hogwarts...
"I'm pleased to introduce our two new professors. First, Professor Harry Potter, who will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts," Minerva McGonagall said, gesturing at him. Harry stood up and made a quick bow, smiling at the students he would soon teach. They clapped and cheered.

He saw a couple of students whispering with each other, and Harry could practically see their lips saying, "That's THE Harry Potter!" He rolled his eyes internally and sat down.

"And secondly, Professor Draco Malfoy, who will now teach Potions, and is the Slytherin Head of House!" Professor McGonagall finished, gesturing to the other side of her, where Malfoy stood and bowed as well. Harry felt guilty that Malfoy did not receive nearly as many cheers as Harry had. His appearance had softened somehow. He looked far less harsh and it made him look a great deal more attractive. He sat down, and their first feast commenced.

Harry smiled, feeling at home once again. He talked with Neville, the Herbology Professor (and Gryffindor Head of House), and Professor McGonagall. He talked to Hagrid towards the end of the meal, but he noticed Malfoy standing and slipping out of the Great Hall out of the corner of his eye. He bid goodbye to Hagrid and left as well.

As he was walking, he realized with a start that he was following Malfoy. Again. He internally scolded himself, reminding himself that Malfoy was no longer his enemy, and the petty rivalry of their school years had to come to an end. He couldn't act like a student when he was a teacher. He changed direction and went to his room. He sat in the sitting room for a while, thinking about how he was going to get along with Malfoy before going to his attached bedroom and falling asleep.


About a week later, Harry had settled well into his role as a professor. He was pleased that his students liked him. None of his students idolized him to his relief. The younger students were mostly too young to remember the war or Harry's role in it. The oldest students were too polite to ask open questions unless Harry brought up the topic.

He was thinking about his lesson plan for his class of second years as he rounded the corner to go to dinner in the Great Hall. He wasn't paying attention and literally collided with someone.

"Oh, jeez I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry," Harry babbled, helping the other person up. He came face to face with Malfoy, who brushed off his robes.

"Clearly you weren't paying attention, Potter. That hurt," Malfoy said, looking irritated.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Harry fired back.

"Maybe you should pay attention when you walk. Or do you need new glasses or something?" Malfoy jabbed. Harry scowled.

"Merlin, what's your problem? It was an accident!" Harry exclaimed.

"My problem?" Malfoy replied, getting up in Harry's face. They didn't notice another person watching them until she cleared her throat.

"What's wrong with both of you?" Professor McGonagall said, looking disappointed. Harry and Malfoy looked sheepish.

"Sorry, Professor," Harry mumbled. She held up her hands.

"I know you two had problems with each other in school. I hoped you would be able to get along. You're adults for Merlin's sake. Act like it," she admonished. "Next weekend is the first Hogsmeade weekend. I want both of you to remain here while most of the students are not here and work out your differences. You don't need to be best friends or anything like that. But you have to be civil with each other."

"Alright, Professor," Malfoy replied, looking defeated. Harry mumbled his agreement.

"Now, come on. We're late for dinner," Professor McGonagall said crisply, leaving them to follow in her wake.

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