Auror Partners

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Harry sighed as he walked to Colton's office. Since Ron had resigned to work with George and raise his family, Harry needed a new partner. He didn't begrudge Ron at all for resigning. Ron deserved a calm life. But Harry liked working with Ron far more than he'd like to work with anyone else.

"I'm here, Colton," Harry announced as he walked into the Head's office.

"Good. Potter, here's your new partner," she said briskly. Harry signed once more in his head and turned to face his new partner, sticking his hand out. However, the sight he was met with almost made him retract his hand.

"Malfoy?" Draco Malfoy stood before him, dressed in proper Auror robes. Harry couldn't deny that he looked good, but it did not change his opinion of the blonde at all. He had a somehow softer appearance than he did at school, but he had retained his proud and handsome features.

"Hello," Draco said softly, looking slightly sheepish.

"You know each other?" Colton asked. They nodded. "Good. You'll work well together then."

"We weren't exactly friends," Draco mumbled. Colton shrugged.

"I don't care. Just work together and don't rip each other's heads off. You're both very qualified and have earned my trust, which is why I'm giving you one of our high-stakes cases. Possible Voldemort supporters. We have a few possible locations of a hideout and I want you two to check them out, maybe use previous cases to figure out which location it is. Take the next few days to prepare and get used to each other. Here's the file," Colton said in her normal blunt manner that Harry was accustomed to. She slid the file across the table which Harry picked up.

As they left the Head's office, he skimmed the papers before handing it to Draco. Harry led the way to their joint office and took a seat at his desk, letting Draco make himself at home. Harry began looking through his previous files on Voldemort supporters to compare evidence.

"So when did you become an Auror?" Harry asked, deciding to at least be civil.

"Right after eighth year. I just got promoted to this department," Draco replied, avoiding Harry's gaze.

"Right. Congrats," Harry mumbled. "Any ideas on this case?"

"Not really. I don't have any of the previous cases. This is my first case on Voldemort supporters," Draco replied, tossing the file back to Harry.

"Okay. Well, uh, you can come sit here, I guess. We can look through the evidence together?" Harry suggested.

"Sure." The two spent the next few hours pouring over separate files and comparing them to the information. Harry was surprised to find that he and Draco actually worked well together. Whatever Harry missed, Draco caught and vice versa. When they were done for the day, Harry hesitantly turned to Draco.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?"

"No, why?" Draco said, looking slightly suspicious.

"I was thinking we should get drinks or something. You know, get more comfortable with each other," Harry said.

"Oh, yeah. Sure."

The two men walked in awkward silence to the nearest pub. They ordered drinks and food and sat down at the bar.

"So, you said you went back to Hogwarts for eighth year?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Since my last few years at Hogwarts were not really complete, I decided to go back. You didn't come back, though, right?"

"No, I didn't. I just went straight into work. Keeps my schedule busy."

"Right. So are you still into Quidditch?" Draco asked. Harry brightened.

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