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A quick thing about this one-shot: I changed it so the Yule Ball happens after the second task because it fit better. You'll understand once you read it :)

Draco's POV, Fourth Year
It started during the summer. Father told me what had happened to Harry at the Quidditch World Cup. A feeling of anxiety, almost panic, seized me when the words left his mouth. I'd excused myself as quickly as possible and went to my room. I held my head between my hands as I tried to steady my breathing. My brain went into overdrive as I tried to figure out why I was freaking out so much. Then the realization hit me like a tidal wave. I loved Harry Potter.

I always knew I was gay. Blaise had helped me figure that out when he came out to me. One day, I'd asked him if I could kiss him to test something, and then I knew I was wholly, utterly gay. But I'd never had a crush on anyone before. Now I knew I loved Harry Potter.


When school started, I couldn't seem to get him out of my mind. Then he was chosen for the Triwizard Tournament. I nearly panicked again. What would I do if he died? To handle my emotions, I began writing poems. One day, on a whim, I left one where I knew he would find it. On his desk in History of Magic. I watched his expression turn from confusion to happiness. I felt elated. He'd actually liked it. From that day onward, I began leaving him more poems.

Some were simple. Some were very complicated. It really depended on my mood.

I went up to the owlery and tied this one around Hedwig's leg. I knew she would bring it to him.

You have come to my life
And it changed with a blink of an eye
You have blown the roof
To let me see the blue sky.
I can praise you for a whole day
But my love for you so great
That I need many days to say.

I knew Harry must have been going insane. He was going to compete in a competition with a bunch of wizards older and more skilled than him. In addition to that, he didn't even know how he was entered into the competition in the first place. I hoped that my poems would be the eye of his storm. And part of me hoped he was gay, and that he liked me too.


All the students above third years were allowed to go to Hogsmeade before the first task. When I heard Granger tell Harry that they should go to Three Broomsticks, I grabbed Blaise and Pansy and nearly ran so I could beat Harry there. I asked Pansy to give Madam Rosmerta a paper to give to Harry once he ordered. I also asked her to tell Madam Rosmerta not to tell Harry who gave her the paper. This poem read:

When I say you're my life, I hope you know that it's true,
When I tell you you're my world, know that I only have eyes for you.
When the words cannot come because you take my breath away,
Know that I love you more than words could ever say.

I didn't linger in Three Broomsticks to see his reaction. I didn't want it to be too suspicious. But I hoped that poem would give him hope. I want him to know that someone has confidence that he will survive.


A few days later, after he passed the first task with flying colors, I left another poem. This time I dropped it next to his bag in the Great Hall, throwing an insult his way just to ward off any suspicion. He simply rolled his eyes at me, a smirk gracing his lips. This poem was sadder, I suppose. I watched as he picked up the piece of paper. He looked around to see if anybody saw, and then carefully put it in his bag.

To find a kiss of yours
what would I give
A kiss that strayed from your lips
dead to love

My lips taste
the dirt of shadows

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