Healers and Aurors

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Harry shot one final spell before his knees wobbled and gave out. The scene swam before his eyes and everything went black.


Harry awoke to lights glaring in his eyes. His glasses had been removed - he couldn't make out anything around him. He seemed to be moving quickly. He had a vague recollection of seeing platinum blonde hair before everything went black again.


Harry woke again. Thankfully, everything was dark. Harry made to sit up, but someone pushed him back down.

"Don't. You'll hurt yourself," said a silky-smooth voice, one that Harry recognized but could not identify.

"Where are my glasses? Where am I?" Harry asked groggily, finding his voice raspy. He likely hadn't spoken for days.

"Here. Don't move. I'll put on your glasses," the voice said. He felt his glasses sliding upon his face and he blinked. He seemed to be in a hospital ward, somewhere he'd been often and he never enjoyed being there. Then he glanced at the person beside him.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked in shock, but not anger.

"It's Healer Malfoy now," Draco replied, a trace of a smirk on his face. Harry absorbed his appearance. He had grown into his features in a way Harry didn't think was possible. He stopped gelling his hair back and it was cut shorter than it had been at school, just barely falling on the top of his forehead. He was tanned and far less pale than he used to be, which made his hair and eyes stand out nicely. His high cheekbones, full lips, and bright eyes gave him a proud, handsome appearance. Harry ignored the butterflies fluttering in his stomach and clamped down on the gay side of his brain to prevent him from saying something he would regret.

"What happened?" he asked instead. Draco's smirk faded.

"I'm sorry, I can't answer that. We need to know if you lost any part of your memories, so I have to ask you some questions," Draco replied.

"Right. That's fine. Can you sit me up a little? It's weird to talk to someone when I'm lying flat," Harry requested.

"Sure." Draco waved his wand and Harry's bed raised slightly, enough for him to not have to crane his neck to see Draco. Then he summoned a clipboard.

"What's your full name?"

"Harry James Potter."

"How old are you? When is your birthday?"

"I'm 24. My birthday is July 31, 1980."

"What school did you go to?"

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"What's your occupation?"


"Do you remember when you were attacked?"

"Yes," Harry said after a pause. It seemed to be rushing back to him now. "We had gotten a lead on some Death Eater activities. We went to track them down and there was a wandfight. Ron Weasley was with me, along with Kingsley Shacklebolt. There were four Death Eaters, who's names I did not know. Kingsley was stunned. Ron and I stunned three of the Death Eaters before the last one stunned Ron. Then he hit me with a curse I did not know, and I began to feel like I'd been poisoned. I managed to stun the last one before I passed out."

"Good. Your memory likely hasn't been affected at all," Draco said briskly. "I don't know what happened to the Death Eaters - I'm not authorized to have that information. You'll have to ask Ron or Kingsley."

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