Until Next Time

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Warning: inappropriate language/insinuations
Eighth Year, Harry's POV
I walked into an empty classroom and sat on the floor in front of the door to wait. About a minute later, the door opened and a thin, pale figure slipped through, platinum hair shining even though there were no lights on. I stood up, smirking at him.

"Malfoy," I greeted him coolly, holding my wand loosely at my side.

"Potter," he replied. "You ready?" I nodded and flicked my wand, shutting all the drapes and then I cast a wordless Muffliato spell. He walked over to me, and then crashed his lips against mine. I responded with equal passion, fighting his tongue for dominance. He pushed me up against a desk and starting unbuttoning my shirt.

"Hm, needy today," I quipped, smirking at him. He growled at me and it wasn't long before we both found our pleasure. Afterwards, we both retrieved our clothes from where they'd been thrown and put them on. I opened up the drapes and undid the silencing spell.

"Until next time, Potter," Malfoy said, giving me a small smirk before slipping out of the classroom.

"Until next time," I echoed to an empty classroom. I waited a few minutes before leaving as well.


I sighed as I made my way to our empty classroom. Today was our next meeting date, but I was not in the mood. I hoped Malfoy would understand.  I had debated just completely blowing it off and not showing up, but I felt Malfoy deserved more than that, considering our friends-with-benefits agreement. I arrived before Malfoy, as usual, and sat down at one of the desks. I placed my head in my hands, fighting the tears welling up in my eyes. I heard the door open and close.

"Potter?" Malfoy's uncertain voice came.

"It's not a good day today, Malfoy," I said, not removing my hands from my face. "I only came to tell you that. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." His voice was surprisingly gentle. "Do you want to talk about it? It's okay if you don't want to. Just putting the suggestion out there."

"Today..." I paused to sniff and wipe my tears away. I finally looked up at him, and realized he was leaning against the desk I was sitting at. "My godfather died three years ago today." Malfoy's expression softened even more then it had before. More tears leaked out of my eyes, and I put my hands over my face. Suddenly, someone's arms wrapped around my shoulders, and a hand ran through my hair, which felt oddly comforting. I looked up at Malfoy who was looking down at me.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled. "Do you want to talk about him?"

"Not today. Maybe another day. Will you just...stay with me for a while?" I whispered, feeling vulnerable. Three years ago I wouldn't have trusted Malfoy with this stuff. But it was different now. He had proven that he's changed.

"Of course I'll stay with you," he replied, grabbing a chair to sit next to me, and wrapping his arms around me. I cuddled into him. His presence was very comforting.

"Thank you...Draco," I whispered.

"You're welcome, Harry."


A few hours later, I sat in the Eighth Year common room. Draco had sat with me for two hours in that classroom. We hadn't talked much, but it was peaceful. He walked back with me to Eighth Year common room, and before we went through the door, he gave me one last hug before we entered. Draco went up the stairs to the dormitories, and I went to sit in an armchair near Ron and Hermione.

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