Harry's Early Life Crisis

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Eighth Year
Harry was partnered with Malfoy in potions. Out of all people, it had to be Malfoy. They didn't speak much. Malfoy told Harry what to do - politely for a change - and Harry did it. Malfoy was much better than him at potions anyway. Once Harry's part was over, he watched the blonde.

Malfoy was quite attractive. His sharp cheekbones gave him an angular but attractive jawline. His grey eyes were always focused on the task at hand but they had softened considerably. His hair-

Suddenly Harry's mind came to a crashing halt. Since when did he find Malfoy attractive? Harry squeaked aloud, wondering if anyone could tell what he was thinking. It seemed all common sense had left his brain (although he didn't have much common sense to begin with). Malfoy looked at him funny.

"Are you alright, Potter?" He asked, genuinely sounding concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Harry replied in a voice an octave higher than his own. He spent the rest of the period looking steadily away from Malfoy, trying to chase all thoughts of Malfoy being attractive from his mind.


That night at dinner, Harry specifically placed himself with his back to the Slytherin table so he could avoid looking at Malfoy. Harry remained in his own head for the entire meal, giving noncommittal answers and seeming very distracted. Even Ginny asked him if he was alright before she took Luna's hand and the two of them left the Great Hall, likely to make out somewhere.

When they had returned to the Eighth Year common room, Ron and Hermione kept asking him questions and half the time he couldn't remember whether or not he'd answered. He couldn't get Malfoy out of his head!

"Alright, mate," Ron said suddenly, dropping into the seat next to Harry. "You haven't been paying attention all day, and you're extremely pale and it looks like you're gonna be sick. What's going on?" Hermione was watching him, her piercing stare seeming to look straight into his mind to see what he was thinking. Harry glanced around, finding the common room mostly empty. Only a few Ravenclaws were studying at the opposite end of the room.

"I think..." Harry whispered, so softly that Hermione had to lean in to hear him. "I think I'm gay." He let the words hang there, looking nervously at his friends to see their reactions.

"You're figuring that out now?" Hermione asked him, looking playfully exasperated.

"Bloody hell, mate, I thought you knew that," Ron replied, grinning at him.

"You guys knew?" Harry asked in shock. They knew this about him before he knew it?

"Well yeah!" Ron replied.

"When did you figure it out?"

"After Ginny came out. We thought about how you said you felt awkward kissing Ginny and Cho, and Ron thought you might be gay. We didn't say anything because we thought you knew, and we figured you hadn't told us for some reason. We just waited until you told us," Hermione replied.

"Well, I didn't know. Makes sense, I guess," Harry mumbled. "And you guys are okay with it right?" Harry looked nervous again.

"Of course we are!" Ron exclaimed, clapping Harry on the back and squeezing his shoulder. "I don't give a damn as long as you're happy."

"Thank you."


The next day in Potions, Malfoy continued to give Harry instructions which he fulfilled. Harry had basically returned to normal, except for the fact that he still found Malfoy attractive. Out of all people, Malfoy was the one who he was attracted to. While they waited for their potion to boil, Malfoy looked at Harry.

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