Kiss Cam

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Eighth Year
Draco straightened out his Quidditch robes as he waited for the team to be called onto the pitch. It was the first game of the year, and Draco was equally nervous and excited. Professor McGonagall had continued Quidditch as normal and allowed one eighth year to play on each team, mostly so the team wasn't dominated by eighth years. Draco had decided to play because he wanted to enjoy his last school year; he wanted to be the carefree student that he couldn't be for the past two years.

"Ready, Draco?" Lucy Fawley asked. She was the captain and a Chaser. She was easily one of the best Chasers and captains the Slytherin team had ever had. Draco offered her a small smile.

"A bit nervous. But yes, I'm ready. It's been too long since I've played."

"You'll be great. There's a reason we took you over all the other Seekers, you know. You're brilliant," Lucy replied. Draco nodded his thanks, and she turned around and called, "Ready, team?"

Five shouts answered her. Draco and Lucy joined in, and the seven of them flew out on the field. Draco instantly felt more comfortable on his broom, so he took a loop around the stadium before settling into his spot next to the team. Harry Potter flew in across from him, hair messy, eyes bright, and a crooked smile on his face. Draco hated him for being so attractive. He smirked back while internally reminding himself to not get distracted. Professor McGonagall stood up and amplified her voice with her wand.

"Welcome to the first Quidditch game of the year!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, a rare smile on her face. Cheers sounded from the stadium, answering her. Draco's mood immediately lifted. Hogwarts hadn't been this lighthearted and spirited in a long time. He glanced in Harry's direction and knew from his face that he was thinking the same thing.

"A few announcements before we begin. We have implemented a new feature due to popular demand: a kiss camera. There is a camera swiveling around the stadium that is programmed to zoom in on people with the most, uhm, chemistry," Professor McGonagall said, sounding a bit awkward at the last part. Draco's eyes were lighting up. This would be fun. "If it zooms in on you, you will be projected along with whoever the camera says you have the most chemistry with. You must kiss to make the camera move away. If you really don't want to, a kiss on the cheek will suffice. This will happen during timeouts, halftime, and so on. Now, let the game begin!" (I know Quidditch doesn't have halftime but for the sake of this one-shot, just pretend it does hehe)

Huge cheers went through the stadium. Madam Hooch marched onto the field below the teams where the balls were waiting to be released.

"Alright. Captains, shake hands!" Ginny Weasley and Lucy flew forward. They shook hands. "Good." Madam Hooch released the Snitch. Harry and Draco's eyes both followed it until it flew out of sight. She threw up the Quaffle and the game began. Draco zoomed off in the direction the Snitch had gone, determined to win. He refused to leave school without beating Harry Potter once.

Draco began flying around the stadium, eyes peeled for the Snitch. He paid no attention to the rest of the game; he knew who scored solely based on Luna Lovegood's announcements.

"Ginny Weasley is soaring towards the Slytherin goal. Her hair is like a flag behind her. And her ass looks quite lovely on her broom-"

"Lovegood!" McGonagall's shouted. Draco smirked as laughter rang out through the stands.

"Thanks, Luna!" Weasley screamed as she threw the Quaffle into the Slytherin goal, just brushing past the Keeper, Ethan's fingers.

"Damn," Draco mumbled as he flew down toward him. "Don't worry about it, Ethan!"

Draco swooped down low, searching in vain for the Snitch. Draco kept one eye on Harry in case Harry spotted it before he did. A whistle blew out somewhere.

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