Tattoos Pt 2

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A few weeks later...
Draco laughed as he took a swig from his beer. He and Harry were at a bar with Harry's Muggle friends.

Harry was laughing and dancing badly with his friends. Draco wasn't drunk enough to dance, especially since he hated dancing in front of people. But he was content to smile and watch.

About an hour later, Harry was beyond drunk and standing next to Draco. Draco had his arm around Harry's waist in fear that Harry would collapse.

"Draco, you're really cute, you know that?" Harry said, turning to grin at Draco. Draco grinned back.

"Really? Well, thank you, darling. You're quite attractive yourself." Draco played along solely because he knew Harry wouldn't remember this later, and because he knew Harry would never actually want someone like Draco.

"Aww thanks," Harry said. He turned to face Draco and looked deep in his eyes. Draco's heart rate sped up despite himself. Harry's expression was serious and it almost looked like Harry was sober...but that was impossible considering how many drinks Harry had. As if on cue, a slow song began playing through the club, and Harry began gently swaying and he wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, not breaking eye contact. Draco hesitantly tightened his grip on Harry's waist and began to sway with him. He seemed to be pulled by Harry's eyes, and before he knew it, they were dancing with their foreheads pressed together. Just as the song swelled, Harry tilted his chin up and captured Draco's lips. Draco stood in shock for a second, and just as Harry was about to pull away, Draco pulled Harry by the back of his head and kissed him harder. They melted into the kiss with their arms desperately clutched the other closer to him.

They pulled away when the song ended, and soon after, they left the bar.


The next day, Draco found Harry sitting on Draco's couch flipping through TV channels when Draco came home from work. Draco had long since been accustomed to this sight - they often crashed at each other's flats without warning. However, this time, Draco was nervous. Did Harry remember? Draco was filled with hope despite himself. He wanted Harry to remember.

"Hey!" Harry greeted.

"Hey. How's your head?" Draco asked while hanging up his coat to avoid Harry's gaze. Harry groaned.

"Ugh, it was pounding this morning. Don't let me drink that much again," Harry commented. Draco's heart sank. Maybe he didn't remember.

"Yeah, you did drink a lot," Draco said with a false chuckle. Harry was looking at him strangely. "What?"

"I'm sorry, but did we dance last night or something? Oh God, did I make you dance with me? That would have been awful," Harry said, looking stricken, but Draco failed to see what was so awful about it. He knew Harry had been with guys before, so he guessed that Harry just didn't want to dance with him.

"No, no, we didn't dance last night," Draco lied.

"Oh. Maybe I danced with some other guy," Harry said with a shrug before turning back to the TV. "What do you want to get for dinner?" Draco sighed internally and accepted that he would never be more than Harry's friend.


The next Saturday, Draco pulled Harry's keys out from his pocket and unlocked Harry's door. This shouldn't be a problem, Draco thought. He comes to my place with no warning, so this is fine. Since their kiss, Draco had felt abnormally nervous around Harry, and he was trying to snap out of it before Harry noticed.

He walked around the corner towards the living room when he stopped. Weird noises were coming from the living room. They sounded like...moans?

"Harry?" Draco called hesitantly as he walked around the corner. The sight he was met with made time come to a standstill. Harry was making out with a guy and both of them were shirtless. Disappointment and sadness flooded through Draco.

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