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Sixth Year
"You don't understand, Harry! My family is being threatened. My parents could die!"

"Draco, I do understand. You have to let me help you, love. Tell me what they're asking you to do. I understand that you're worried about your family. Please calm down," Harry said.

"How could you understand? You don't have parents! Your family is dead! You've got no one!" Draco burst in anger, tone bitter. Then his eyes widened. "Shit, Harry, I didn't mean that. That's not what I meant." Draco dared to look into his boyfriend's eyes. His face was stony and shock was written across his face. Harry turned and stormed out of the tower, ignoring Draco's pleas. Draco kicked the wall in anger. How could he say that to Harry?


How could Draco say that to him? Harry slowed his pace and began walking at a more normal speed towards the Gryffindor Tower. He ignored the few people he saw and resisted his tears. When he couldn't hold them back any longer, he darted into an empty classroom and curled into a ball. He wiped his face furiously.

You've got no one. That's what Draco had said. Harry thought he had his friends, and the Weasley family, and most of all, Draco. But it seemed he didn't even have Draco.

His mother and father's faces flashed in his mind. Sure, they were gone, and Harry barely remembered what they were like. But he knew what it felt like to worry about those you love. He knew what it was like to fear for your own life. He had feared for his life for nearly six years. When Harry stood up again, only one thought went through his mind.

Draco has lost me.

~~~ 4 months later ~~~

Draco was sitting in the Room of Requirement, his back against the stupid Vanishing cabinet. Draco was lost. The world seemed so bleak, so dull, so lifeless without Harry. Since that horrible day, Harry hadn't spoken to him. He hadn't so much as look at him. Tears welled up in Draco's eyes that he furiously wiped away.

Since then, Draco had mindlessly carried out the orders Snape and the other Death Eaters had given him. He Imperiused Madam Rosmerta and gave the cursed necklace to Katie Bell. Poor Katie Bell. Draco knew that she didn't deserve that. He gave the poisoned mead to Professor Slughorn, yet again, Draco failed. Draco felt worse. Ron Weasley had been accepting of Harry's relationship with Draco, although he refused to be friendly with Draco. But either way, Ron had supported them, and Draco nearly killed him. If Harry ever finds out that Draco committed all these crimes, Harry would never speak to him again. Perhaps that was for the best.

Every task he carried out made him lose a little bit of himself. Every day without Harry, a little piece of himself drifted away. He was becoming a shell of a boy, snatched from his prime.

"I'm lost without you, Harry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please come back to me," Draco whispered to the empty air, before burying his face in his robes. His quiet sobs echoed through the room.


Across the castle, Harry sat in the Astronomy Tower, legs hanging over the sides. He stared at the stars, his eyes instinctively finding Draco's constellation. He hadn't spoken to Draco since that day. Draco had tried to apologize in the beginning. Harry had rejected all his apologies until Draco gave up. Harry felt so angry with him that he wouldn't accept his apology.

By now, Harry's anger had melted away and given way to sadness. He missed Draco. It was like a physical ache inside him, constantly eating at him. He had thrown himself into his studies, which made Hermione happy, and into the lessons Dumbledore gave him. But that hole remained inside him.

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