Eighth Year Ball

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Eighth Year
Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at the parchment pinned up to the notice board in the eighth year common room. There was going to be a springtime ball for seventh and eighth years. Harry couldn't help but feel excited. It sounded fun.

"Excellent. We need a party around here," Ron said, smiling. Then he spun around to Hermione. "Will you go with me?" Hermione blushed, looking taken aback.


"Well, yeah. Last time you told me to ask you before someone else does, so I did. Will you go with me?" Ron asked, his ears turning slightly red. Harry was grinning widely at the exchange.

"Of course I'll go with you," Hermione said. Ron wrapped his arms around her and she reached up to peck his cheek. Ron smiled.

"Who are you gonna go with, mate?" Ron asked. Harry's smile faded slightly.

"I have no idea," he said, although he had someone he wanted to take. But it was unlikely that he would want to go with Harry. Ron left to grab his homework from the dorm and Harry's gaze strayed to Draco Malfoy. He was talking with Pansy and Blaise by the fire, a soft grin on his face. His eyes sparkled, the grey color seeming even cooler next to the warm, roaring fire. His hair fell lightly across his face and his skin was tanned, making him seem less like a ghost. Hermione stood beside Harry and followed his gaze. She smiled, shaking her head.

"Just ask him, Harry," Hermione advised. Harry was startled out of his admiring reverie of Draco's appearance.

"Who?" Hermione gave him a look.

"Draco, of course. You're literally pining after him. Just ask. I'm sure he'll be pleased," Hermione said. Harry turned red. He was spared from responding when Ron came bounding down the stairs and asked for Hermione's help with the Potions essay. She was all too happy to help him, leaving Harry to trail after them and wonder if he should ask Draco to the ball.


"I don't think I should do it, Pansy," Draco said, looking worried and feeling disappointed.

"Oh, come on! Draco, he'll be more than happy to go with you. Just ask him," Pansy said, rolling her eyes. Draco glanced at Harry who was practicing a nonverbal spell while Ron and Hermione were huddled together doing homework.

"He's probably going with Ginny Weasley. The two used to date, remember?" Draco reasoned.

"Yeah, used to. They don't anymore," Pansy countered.

"He's not going with Ginny. Ginny is going with Luna Lovegood. I heard from some seventh years," Blaise said, joining in the conversation for the first time.

"Oh, really?" Draco said, unable to deny the hope that flooded through his body. Blaise grinned.

"Yup. So you better ask him before someone else does," Blaise said, turning back to his homework. Pansy grinned triumphantly.


"Good God, Harry," Hermione said the next night, rolling her eyes when she caught Harry staring at Draco for the fifth time. "Ask the boy. Quit making me feel sick with your love-struck expression." Harry blushed and shook his head.

"He's going to reject me. I'm not doing it," Harry said stubbornly. Hermione shrugged.

"Your loss. Stop mooning over him then." Hermione continued her homework without so much as a glance, so Harry turned and flounced up the stairs. Hermione smirked.


Draco watched Harry practically stomp up the stairs like a perfect drama queen. A smile pulled at his lips. How could he look so hot even when he was acting like a child? Perhaps it was the attractively messy hair, or glowing green eyes, or the crooked glasses, or the curve of his lips, or the fact that he had filled out nicely from the scrawny boy he used to be. A scoff brought Draco out of his head. He looked at Blaise, startled.

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