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Eighth Year
Harry walked into the Eighth Year common room and sighed. He was tired, but he still had loads of homework to do. He walked towards the fire to claim his favorite armchair, only to find that it was already occupied.

"Damn it, Malfoy. You took my favorite armchair," Harry complained, plopping down on the couch next to him and dropping his bag on the floor. Draco smirked.

"Sorry, Potter," he replied, although he didn't sound sorry. Harry grinned and rested his head on the back of the couch. "Long day?"

Harry glanced at Draco. Since the boys had come back to school, Harry and Draco made peace with each other, and they had a sort of flirtatious friendship.

"Yeah. I'm so tired but I still have homework to do," Harry replied. He rubbed his eyes under his glasses before pushing them back into place. "How about you? Do you have more homework to do?"

"Not really. I had a couple of free periods so I finished everything," Draco said.

"Lucky you."

"I can help you if you want." Harry smiled at the offer.

"It's alright. Thanks, though," Harry replied. Draco shrugged, turning back to the fire.


"Thank Merlin for the weekend," Harry mumbled into his pillow two days later. He yawned and stretched, casting a quick Tempus charm. It was earlier than Harry normally woke up. Maybe because he'd slept early last night. Harry slipped into his shoes and pulled a sweater over his head. He ran his fingers through his hair and crept out of the dorm, noting the sleeping forms of the other boys: Ron, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Blaise. Only Draco wasn't there.

Harry stumbled down the stairs, thinking that he'd sit in front of the fire in his favorite armchair (that Draco had taken from him) until Ron and Hermione woke up, and then they'd go down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

He walked around the corner to HIS armchair...only to find Malfoy sitting in it.

"Damn it, Malfoy. Why do you keep taking my armchair?" Harry protested, sitting down on the couch with a grumpy frown on his face. Draco grinned.

"Because I can, darling," he said sweetly, blowing Harry a fake kiss. Harry tried not to focus on the way Draco's lips moved and instead focused on glaring at the fire.

"You're an ass," Harry mumbled. Draco shrugged.

"You want to go get breakfast?" Draco suggested.

"Sure." Harry and Draco left the Eighth Year common room and walked down to the Great Hall.

"Why do you like that armchair so much, Potter?" Draco asked, looking down to catch the shorter boy's expression.

"It's comfortable! I sat there like every day, to the point that no one else would sit there. Then you came in a took my chair," Harry argued, fully aware that he sounded like a child and not caring one bit.

"The rest of the armchairs are exactly the same," Draco pointed out.

"It doesn't feel like it. Maybe the chair has molded to my ass, and it just feels more comfortable because it's shaped like my ass," Harry said. He quickened his pace to walk in front of Draco and gave his ass a little shake. He turned around to catch Draco staring at Harry's ass. Harry smirked and laughed loudly. Draco blushed.

"You're ridiculous."

Harry ignored the jab and instead turned around again. "I don't mind if you like my ass. It's quite nice-looking if you ask me." Harry risked a slight glance over his shoulder, turning his head just enough to see Draco out of his periphery vision. Draco was indeed staring at his ass. Harry grinned, feeling oddly satisfied. After a few seconds, Draco caught up with Harry again.

"Thanks for that. You do have a nice ass," Draco said as they approached the Great Hall. Harry grinned, but suddenly he choked on air and started coughing to clear his throat. Draco wore a devil's grin as he walked past Harry. Harry stared after him open-mouthed. Draco had pinched Harry's ass before he walked in. Harry found himself laughing as he ran to catch up with Draco.

"Damn, Malfoy. You're here to play," Harry mumbled in a low tone, smiling widely. Draco matched his grin, eyes sparkling. The two ate breakfast together, laughing at their own stupidity, but both privately wondered if something deeper was going on.


The next day, Harry walked into the Eighth Year common room, looking to see if Draco was in his armchair. He was, reading a book. Harry sighed. Then an idea struck him. He strutted over to Draco, noting the way Draco's eyes watched him.

Harry ignored everyone else in the common room and plopped down on Draco's lap. He sat sideways, swinging his legs over one arm of the chair, and wrapped one arm around Draco's middle. Draco sighed.

"Potter, get off me."

"No. You took my chair, Malfoy. So now we're sharing it," Harry said.

"Dear Merlin, Potter," Draco said, although Harry could swear there was adoration in his eyes.

"I'm not moving, Malfoy." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Alright, whatever," he mumbled. He propped his book against Harry's legs and wrapped his arm around Harry to pull him closer. When he looked down and his face was mostly hidden from the rest of the common room, he smiled.

Harry smiled as well and kissed Draco's temple, ignoring everyone else's shocked faces.


Hey guys! Sorry I've been so inactive. My school started and I have a much bigger courseload this year, so I won't be as active. But I am working on a super long one-shot, possibly a multi-part one. While I'm working that I wrote this as a quick, cutesy one. Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

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