Fourth Year

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Fourth Year
Harry snuck out of the Gryffindor common room at midnight, Cloak on. He had accidentally left his Marauder's Map, but he hadn't run into anyone so he didn't think it would matter. He climbed up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower and looked around.

"Draco?" he whispered, pulling his cloak off.

"Here." Harry followed Draco's voice to the back of the room, hidden away from the entrance.

"Hello, love," Harry whispered, kissing him gently. Draco grinned and immediately snuggled into Harry's arms. They sat under a blanket in silence for a while. They set up these meetings a few times a week since no one knew about their relationship, and they intended to keep it that way.

"You ready for the First Task tomorrow?" Draco asked, looking at his boyfriend's face.

"I suppose so. I don't want to do this. I don't want to be in this stupid tournament. I hate it," Harry whispered, feeling like he was going to cry. Draco seemed to sense this and began to run his hand through Harry's hair.

"I know, love. I hate that you're in it. But you can do it. If anyone can do this task, it's you. You're an extremely capable wizard. You got this," Draco encouraged, although he felt like crying too. He hated that his boyfriend was being put in danger.

"Thanks," Harry whispered. Not long after, Draco decided that Harry needed his rest, and insisted that they return to their dorms.


The next day, Harry shook out his nerves as he listened to the people cheering. It was nearly his turn, and he was facing the Hungarian Horntail. He stepped out of the tent and into the arena, where thousands of faces watched him. The dragon was perched right in front of him, staring him down. He took a deep breath, not allowing himself to be distracted by the people cheering and booing, not bothering to look for his friends or Draco. He raised his wand.

"Accio Firebolt!"  Harry yelled, pointing his wand in the air. He hoped that it would come. If something went wrong it was quite likely that he would die. He felt the heat in the stadium, making everything hazy. He ignored the people screaming at him, unwilling to distinguish specific voices.

Then he heard it whistling through the air. It came through the woods and stopped right in front of him. He mounted his broom and kicked off. Harry immediately felt more comfortable. This was his domain. He could fly. The crowds faded and Harry imagined this as just another Quidditch game. The Horntail was the opposing team. Harry dove and pulled up, missing jets of fire. He wove around the dragon's flailing body and spurts of fire. He flew in a circle, trying to make her dizzy. He missed the flames but the long spikes in her tail caught on Harry's shoulder. He felt them cut into his skin but kept his head focused on the task.

Harry flew around her to ensure she was watching him, then flew straight up. She stretched her head, her neck, until it was evident that she would have to get off the ground and leave her eggs unguarded. At last she lifted off the ground and Harry dove. While the dragon searched for him in vain, he grabbed the golden egg and flew out of the stadium towards Professor McGonagall, Professor Moody, and Hagrid.

"Congratulations, Potter! Before you receive your score you must get checked out by Madam Pomfrey," Professor McGonagall exclaimed. Harry heard Hagrid express his congratulations and then he was ushered into the first aid tent. Hermione and Ron came running in then, both of them saying their congratulations and praising him. Ron apologized, and Harry felt so relieved that Ron had come to his senses that he immediately accepted his apology. He picked up his egg and Firebolt and followed Ron out of the tent to get his scores. He couldn't wait to see Draco. Ron babbled on about what the other Champions had done. He received his good scores and felt shocked that he was tied with Krum for first place.

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