Chapter 4

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Remind me again why I'm here? Oh right, I remember now. My best friend asked me to hack into some dude's email account to discover an email chain between him and a member of the mob. I gave him the info and now I'm dragged into the assassin's life. Luckily I already had basic martial arts training, all they really had to do was give me the proper clearance to hack stuff. Somehow, I managed to make a good impression on the guys who run The Organization. I also still can't believe that's what they actually call themselves.

"Yo, you alive Liam?" Scott asked me as we saw Selena and Aaron walking towards us. I turned to him and saw him hand me a tin of mints. Taking them, I raised an eyebrow at him and opened the metal container. Removing one I put it in my mouth and was overtaken by the flavor of peppermint. "They help calm my nerves," Scott told me as he put one in his mouth and grinned at Aaron and Selena. "Are you guys ready for the big meeting? Apparently the boss wants a word with all of us. Either we fucked up, or we're getting a huge assignment."

"My money's on the assignment," Aaron told us as we walked into the room and saw other members of the group gathered. We were in a conference room, a gigantic oval table filled most of the space. I saw Selena take a seat near one end of the table; the three of us gathered behind her. What I hadn't realized at the time was that each person who had a seat at the table was in charge of training at least three people, breaking us up into assassination teams. Selena was in charge of Aaron, Scott, and myself.

"I see you all answered the call," the head of the table said as he stood up and tossed a small disk on the table. It projected a hologram of what I assumed was the next target. I heard the man going on about how this was the biggest assignment we've ever had and that one of us would be the lucky person to complete it. I saw Selena smirk as she leant back in the chair, crossing her arms and legs as she saw the head look at her. "Selena, I already assume you know what I'm about to ask?"

"I do, Master," she said as she held her palm up behind her. I watched as Aaron handed her another disk similar to the Master's. He was called the Master because he was the master assassin out of all of us. I still didn't know what he did to deserve the title, but to be honest I was going to ask Selena later. She tossed it onto the table and it projected the image of Mr. Lee. "Mr. Lee here decided to do the mob a few favors, and now we get to take out the Don. He's grasping at straws, and right now we can use that to our advantage. I suggest you let my team and I go in and take him out. We'll get it done."

"I do not doubt your team's skill," The Master sighed as he placed his palms on the table and looked at her. "There are still steps we need to take in order to make sure that we can properly kill him. I also wish to speak to our source and make sure we have a concrete plan," he told her, which clearly pissed her off. I honestly don't know what she was thinking when she said the next sentence, but she snapped.

"To hell with talking to the source!" she exclaimed as she slammed her fist down on the table. The other leaders and assassins looked at her in shock, for she had just questioned the Master's orders. I saw him raise an eyebrow and smirk at her, crossing his arms. He was enjoying this, the smug bastard. But Selena was not letting him get away without a fight. "Last time we got this close to killing the goddamn Don the entire team we sent in was killed. I'm not letting the same mistake happen, so if you don't permit my team and I to do the job then we'll do it regardless of your stupid order," she said as she glared at The Master. I saw him smile and clap his hands slowly, taking Selena by surprise as she had resumed her original pose.

"That is why I am assigning the job to a different team," The Master said, watching as Selena's jaw dropped. She stood up and walked out of the room, the rest of us followed her as she led us to a separate room with a ton of computer consoles and monitors. She closed the door behind us and sighed, looking at all of us. Grabbing one of the office chairs, she sat down and pulled out her phone, looking at her screensaver, a photo of a young Aaron on her shoulders and a young Scott hugging her legs.

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