Chapter 15

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A week later...

Aaron was really struggling to get used to not having an arm anymore. He's been working in the gym everyday so he wouldn't go soft. After the first day of watching him attempt to do some acrobatic work, I decided to step in and help him out. All of us were with him at Selena's parents house. We all even met Maya's biological mom from Asgard, but she just told us to call her Kristen. Karen even showed up to help out after the first two days. She, Kristen, Karen and Selena were getting along great. The rest of us somehow still hold it together.

Steph's been busy with Claire, Rose, and Serena to always be keeping Maya busy. The minute she wasn't doing something she would come to the gym and worry about Aaron. We were all worried about him, but she's pregnant for god's sake. Can't have her stressing out over him, especially when Kristen said he should be getting a mechanical arm from Asgard. They just had to troubleshoot all the problems with adapting it for a human and not an asgardian, and I was the leader of doing that while also helping Aaron get back into the swing of things.

"Hey Aaron!" I called out to him, watching him stop at the punching bag to look at me. "Take five and come over here, I wanna talk to ya." I waved him over and he nodded, walking across the gym floor towards me. We were glad that Selena's parents were letting a bunch of college students stay at their house. Pat had some explaining to do to her parents on why the two were so close, but yet they say they're not dating.

"What's up?" he asked, panting as he sat down next to me. I handed him a water bottle and he drank the contents. "Thanks," he said as he placed the empty water bottle next to me. "I needed that." I patted his back and looked at the door to the gym, seeing it open a tiny bit. "You noticed she's watching too?"

"I think it's hard not to notice her steely gaze." I sighed and turned to look directly at the door. "Selena, get in here!" I exclaimed as Aaron laughed. A red faced Selena walked in, realizing she was slipping up by worrying about her son. "You wanna join the training for a bit? Maybe give Aaron a good ass kicking to get him back into shape?"

"Who says I need an ass kicking? I'm perfectly fine as is!" He exclaimed, a grin on his face as he looked at Selena. "Care to spar, mom?" He's been calling her mom ever since he woke up, not that she had a problem of course, but it was nice for her. They walked over to the mat, and both took up their stances. I smiled, watching Aaron try and keep up with Selena. It ended when Aaron raised his missing arm to block, and her strike came through. He hit the mat, and looked up at Selena kneeling next to him. "Anyway I can bribe you with cookies to get me that robotic arm earlier?"

"Anyway you can bribe your wife to not be worrying over you?" Selena asked him, a smile appearing on Aaron's face. A lot of us were shocked when we found out they got hitched behind our backs, but we also were just really happy for them. "I mean, maybe you can romance her tonight. I still can't believe you got laid before Liam, I'd expect him to be first."


"Aaron shut up!" I exclaimed, jumping off of the bench I was on.

"He and Claire did it on prom night!" Aaron told her, watching the blood drain from my face. "Also, he's planning on proposing to her! We need to do something for them, Selena!"

"Oh fuck off..." I sighed, walking over and crossing my arms as Aaron stood up. "You suck, you do know that right? Also, I know the password to your computer," I said, grinning at him. "Don't want Maya to see your search history?"

"You mean how I've been researching modifications for the robotic arm I don't even have?" he asked me, my grin disappearing immediately. "Such as a cup holder, phone charger, candy dispenser. I'm pulling out all the stops."

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