Chapter 21

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Keep a calm mind, focus on the mission at hand. Focus on the targets that I was taking out with my sniper, focus on my breathing as I lined up the crosshair on their chests. I needed to be calm, especially now when Scott's life was in my hands. If we got spotted, then Zach and Pat would go to town and murder everyone. If we didn't get spotted, then we'd continue to sneak into the building undetected.

Our main goal was to sneak in and set some explosives in the house, or just find the Donand take him out with the sniper. I was really hoping for the second one, because then I can get confirmation that he's dead. I got confirmation from Selena that she eliminated a sentry, causing me to move my scope over to see her flash me a thumbs up before Maya and Artemis followed her towards the garage.

I checked in on the others, seeing Pat and Zach working together to start the distraction. The two of them, combined with me as a sniper, could easily take on any of the mobsters that decided to come our way. I fired another round, killing a guard on the roof. I pulled the lever back and loaded my next round into the chamber.

"Selena, what's your sitrep on getting inside the house?" I asked her, wondering what her response would be. I heard her say something and I moved my scope towards the garage, seeing the three of them outside trying to hack into it. "Step away from the control panel," I told her, watching her step away as my bullet took care of the panel. The lock opened up and the three of them went inside the house. "Phase two is a go, I repeat phase two is a go. Let's get this show started."



I jammed my knife into the mobsters neck that awaited us on the other side of the door. Artemis came in after me and released an arrow at another, killing him while Maya came in and blasted a hole in a mobsters chest with her electricity. We had to be quiet, so I walked over to Maya after slowly laying my guard's body on the ground. I told her to save her powers for when we got in a real pinch, and she nodded at me. Artemis retrieved her arrow from the dead guy's chest and I heard Aaron tell us that phase two was a go.

This meant that the three boys would create a huge distraction by blowing a bunch of shit up outside, Aaron's words not mine. The girls and I would sneak inside and locate Scott, before securing him and having Maya teleport back to the house with him and Artemis while I went to find the best way to burn this house down to the ground. We're hoping to kill the Don while we're at it, but I know Aaron's gonna find some way to shoot him.

I motioned for the girls to follow me and we found our way towards the security room, quickly killing the guard in there with a shot from my pistol. I put it away as the three of us entered to see the boys starting their distraction. We heard the explosions, followed by lots of shouting and gunshots from inside the house. You could tell when Aaron removed his silencer, because every sniper shot rang out and was followed by a scream or a thud from a body.

"Cat's out of the bag now," I sighed as I planted a micro explosive on the security system as Artemis and Maya covered me. I heard Maya blast someone who ran by, and Artemis shot another with her bow. The guards kept coming and I was starting to wonder where Scott was, before looking up and hearing a scream. Artemis and Maya both froze momentarily, before seeing more guards run at them. I looked up and saw Scott chained to a wall, the Don in front of him holding a cattle prod. "I found him!" I yelled into the radio.

"Go and get him! We can handle it here!" Aaron said as he fired another sniper round at a guard that passed a window. I turned towards the girls and nodded, setting the charge on the micro explosive as we left the room. A guard ran up to me and I grabbed his arm, slamming my knee into his elbow and tossing him into the room as the bomb went off. I pulled out my pistol and walked towards the basement entrance.

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