Chapter 12

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Two Weeks Later...

Hunting around Deltora for weeks at night was not fun. So it was about damn time I found him, and I've been looking all over this city. I had to wait two weeks just for him to show, and lord knows how long I'll be here for. Maya is on break and I want to make it back to spend some time with her. However! Knowing my luck, I'll be stuck here for the entirety of her break. Damn I hate my life sometimes. Anywho, let's get back on track here.

Staring at Oni, who was perched on the building opposite of me, I pointed my finger at him. Then pointed right next to me, signaling for him to get his ass over here. He shook his head and did the same thing to me. I did it again to him, showing him I'm not giving up. This went on back and forth for a while, a long while, before I finally gave up and pointed at the warehouse down the street.

Finally the cocky bastard agreed and we started to run towards it, both of us on opposite rooftops. Snow covered the roof, and I was surprised I hadn't frozen to death yet. It was below freezing out, a breeze was rolling through, and there was snow literally everywhere. I kept my eyes on Oni as he ran through the snow, praying I wouldn't lose him should a storm or something break through.

We made it to the warehouse and each climbed up to the roof, making our way over to each other. I pointed towards the cracked open roof window a few feet to our left, he shook his head. I pointed towards the door directly on the platform below us, and he nodded. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Please of the love of everything holy in this world can you just talk?" I asked, annoyed as I pulled out my tonfa and ejected the blades. "Would make this entire situation ten times easier," I told him as I dropped down to the platform. He landed next to me and I noticed his outfit changed a bit, but I didn't really care to be honest. To me he looked the same, so I didn't care all that much.

He opened the door and looked at me, beckoning me inside. "I hate you," I sighed as I walked in, waiting for him to follow in behind me. I looked around the top floor of the warehouse, it was just a catwalk that went all the way around. Beneath me I heard voices, and slowly made my way to the edge of the catwalk. I stuck my head over and saw the gangsters loading up weapons and explosives into wooden crates. "Who even uses wooden crates anymore? Like seriously guys, it's 2019, come on!"

Oni crouched down next to me and slowly pulled the sword off of his back. I retracted the blade on my tonfa closest to him and nudged him in the side with it. "On my signal, we move in and eliminate them. Deal?" I asked, praying he would agree with me. I saw him nod and a wave of relief washed over me. "Oh thank god, for a minute there I thought you wouldn't agree with me."

Would it be wrong to say I've missed having good fights? I bet it would, but I'm looking forward to this fight. They outnumbered us a ton to two, but we had kickass fighting and killing experience. Which, when you crunch the numbers, makes it more like an even fight. I ejected the blade back out on my tonfa as I stood up and found a part on the catwalk where the railing was gone. I nodded to Oni and jumped down, my feet landing on the gangster's neck and pushing him down to the ground. I heard a crack and I turned my attention upwards, standing up and taking my fighting stance.

"Hello boys! Hope you don't mind if I DROP in?" I asked them, seeing them get angry at me instantly. On top of that, I get at least a bonus hundred points for saying a shitty pun in the process. I mean, who else can make those types of jokes knowing they'll win the fight? On second thought don't answer that, but anyway, now back to the fighting. This was going to be a blast. I have some problems I need to work off, and these gangsters are going to feel the full potential of my wrath.

The guy closest to me made the mistake of attacking me first. I sliced his leg off and slashed his chest, doing all of this while he ran at me. It was perfect, watching him fall to the ground. I could feel the glare from Oni as he landed on the gangster that was about to attack me next. I heard his neck break, and looked at Oni. He gestured with his hand towards the enemies in front of us. "For me?" he nodded his head, probably wanting to see if I've improved since last time. "Oh you shouldn't have." I smirked and twirled the tonfa a few times. Time to kill some guys.

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