Chapter 10

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11 months later...

Today is going to be a very exciting day! The top ten ranking students were called down to the student council office to discuss the graduation ceremony. It brought back memories of when I first transferred into the school.. There was a month left until we graduated high school and moved onto college. I was accepted into the local University, Jefferson State University, and would be studying Astrophysics. I was extremely excited and Aaron was happy for me as well.

I looked around the classroom we were in as the student council president just finished going over the plan for graduation. I looked next to me and saw Aaron scrolling through Twitter on his phone, not paying attention. I saw the president look at me and motion for me to nudge him. I sighed and looked at him, clearing my throat. That didn't work, so I went for a more abrupt approach. I grabbed the phone out of his hand and saw him look at me, a single eyebrow raised.

"Aaron," the president said, taking his attention. He sighed, took his phone back from my hand and kissed me on the cheek. I saw him turn to look at the president and he gave her a quizzical look. She smiled at him, and tossed a pen at him. He caught it with ease and dropped it to the ground immediately. He had verbally complained about not wanting to be here, but I knew he was excited to graduate. In his own words, he was ready to get the hell out of here.. "How's your speech coming along?"

I heard him laugh and everyone turned to look at him. "You still expect me to do that?" he stopped laughing and looked at her, which made me feel bad for the president. She was working very hard on this and Aaron was refusing to give a speech as valedictorian. "I said from day one of senior year, I am not doing a speech. No way in hell, I'll walk up and grab my high school degree then leave. I don't like speeches, they're overrated."

I remember he told me the real reason when we went to the beach one weekend. He and Selena had obtained tickets for a private flight that took us to Spain. Claire, Liam, Stephanie, Selena, Aaron and I all had a good time. But what made it memorable was when Aaron told me he loves me. I had dropped my drink and heard Selena break into, what Aaron called, a fit of laughter. He also told me that he would need to become a full time assassin to find out what had happened to The Organization.

The night we were watching the movie Selena left for us, they were attacked and all killed. Aaron spent the rest of summer, and up until a month ago, researching the mob they were targeting. Selena and I had both told him to let nature take its course and that they'll get what's coming for them, but did he listen? Of course he fucking didn't. Changing the topic, I was made a key and told I could come over whenever I wanted.. I had entered the house the night before school started and saw him asleep at his computer. He had woken up when I entered, his assassin training kicking in, and apologized to me for being so invested in the investigation. I told him it was alright, but he apologized over and over to me.

Back to the present, I looked at the President then back at Aaron. The two of them were engaged in an argument and neither seemed to be letting the other get any breathing room. He was enjoying this, and it was obvious to her. I think that was annoying her the most, the fact that Aaron finds humor in messing with her. I heard him chuckle and he smiled at the President. "Calm down Susan, I'll give the speech. But," he said, looking at me. "I want you to do something for me."

"Oh?" she asked, leaning forward. This was going to be interesting to see what Aaron was going to do. I had no idea what he was planning, but I could see the smirk on his face. Oh no, Aaron what are you planning? "And what do you plan on having me do, my dear Aaron." Wait, what did she say? Did she call him 'my dear'? Why am I acting like this, am I jealous? Why would I be jealous? I'm dating Aaron and he wouldn't cheat on me, the daughter of Thor. Would he?

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