Chapter 5

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'What the hell's going on?', is about the only question running through my head as I sprint down the hall towards the exit. I flung the door open and saw Aaron laying on the courtyard, clutching his stomach as he lay still. Running over, I knelt next to him and grabbed his wrist. He had a pulse, thank god. I was only a few minutes late to the party, but he was still breathing. I grabbed his phone and called Selena.

"Hello?" she answered. In the background I heard a body hit the ground, I guessed she was out on a mission. You only hear that many bodies hit the floor when she's bored. "Aaron make it quick, I'm working," she said as I heard another body hit the ground.

"It's Scott!" I said into the phone, I heard her stop fighting for a second. "Aaron took a knife to the stomach and those assholes grabbed Maya. I'm going after them, but right now I'm next to Aaron," I told her, hearing multiple thuds happen at once. Meaning one thing and one thing only, Mama bear was pissed off, and personal experience has taught me not to fuck with a pissed off Selena. She will fuck your shit up. "I'm going after them, get him help," I told her as I hung up and dropped the phone next to Aaron.

I knew who the enemy was, and I was going to show them no mercy. They stabbed my brother and they grabbed his girl. Time to collect a few wills. I stood up and started to walk towards the locker rooms near the football stadium, about to pay these unholy fucks a visit. As I walked, my hand reached down towards my belt and pressed the button I had on the side.

One of the nice things about having a lot of super cool technology at our fingertips is that all I gotta do is press a button and my uniform appears on me. I've got no idea how it works, but it swaps the clothes I was wearing out for the special made assassin outfit, gotta love alien tech. A small screen appeared in front of me as I kept walking, my uniform now on. I selected the collapsible baton icon and felt a familiar weight settle onto my back, a terrifying grin grew on my face. These bastards have a very pissed off, very skilled assassin coming for their asses.

I reached the locker rooms and circled around to the men's side. Outside were two of the football players, they saw me and told me to stop. "Now why the hell would I do that?" I pulled out the baton and extended it with a flick of my wrist. Both of them decided to attack me, that was their first and last mistake. They were about to receive no mercy, and I could honestly care less what happened to them or me during this fight. I had one goal, rescue Maya. If I've learnt anything from Selena, it was one thing, take care of your family. If someone strikes them, you strike back twice as hard and don't let them live to regret it.

The player on the left found out his mistake first. I sidestepped as he took a swing at me, bringing my leg up and kicking him aside. He hit the chain link fence and I saw the second player attack me. I blocked his fist with my forearm and smacked his knee with the baton, hearing bone snap. I stepped back and punted the side of his head, my boot connecting and sent him flying into the ground. The first player was up and decided to take another swing at me, he should've just stayed down. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder, when he landed I pulled on his arm and yanked it from the socket. Swiftly kicking him in the head I stared at the metal door that was separating my wrath from the rest of the players.

Knowing Bruce, he would only use the strongest players on the team, and linemen aren't known for quickness. I closed up the baton and put it on my back, drawing my pistol instead. Hearing the commotion, someone opened the door, and they were quickly met by me. I threw them out, and shoved them up against the wall. Jamming my gun into his face, fear struck him as he realized the situation he was in. I was not surprised at the slowly forming puddle by his foot.

"Where. The. Fuck. Is. Maya," I growled. I was only accepting one answer, the right one. If he told me anything else he was getting a bullet to the head. Oh and the nice part about my gun is that I internally silenced it, so I don't need one of those big bulky silencers. "You lie, you die. Understood? Does that amount of logic get through that thick skull of yours that thinks you run this school? I can kill you right now and no one will bat an eyelash, so I suggest you tell me the goddamn truth," I threatened the kid, he didn't seem much older than me but I was too pissed to care right now.

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