Chapter 9

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We stood there on the roof for a few minutes, waiting for the masked man's response. To be honest I was sorta freaked out by this guy. His hood covered his face but I felt like he could look into my soul. My gun was back on my thigh and I heard Selena tapping her foot impatiently. Turning to look at the others I saw Stephanie yawn, and Liam on his phone. I guessed he was texting Claire, mainly because we made eye contact and he tapped 'hi' in Morse Code against his phone. I tapped it back with my foot and saw him type something into his phone.

I heard the man sigh before tossing something at me, I caught it without even looking and saw the logo I was all too familiar with. I heard him sigh and put his kukri away, looking at us as he spoke. "I need you two to come with me." He pointed to Seleni and myself, both of us looking at each other in confusion.. "I'll explain everything later. Follow me." He walked towards the edge and jumped off.

"Liam, tell Maya I'll call her when I get back tonight. Have Steph go look after the two of them, something about this doesn't seem right." I saw them nod and turned to Selena, the two of us getting ready to follow the man who just jumped off the building. We got a running head start and jumped, seeing him on the rooftop below us. We landed and rolled, absorbing as much of the drop as we could. I felt some pain in my legs but quickly brushed it off. I swore as I stood and saw him pull his kukri out. Fuck. Me.

I rolled out of the way as the blade landed where I just was. Springing to my feet I pulled out my tonfa and ejected the blades out. He gets me to follow him, only to try and kill me again? The balls on this guy must be huge! I quickly threw that thought out of my mind and replaced it with a picture of Maya instead. Just barely reacting in time, I blocked his attack and kicked him in the chest. New plan was to kick this guy's ass for real this time! I heard Selena sigh as she sat on an air conditioner unit looking at her nails. What the hell was she doing?! Once again, I reacted just in time to block his attack. He was only using one blade this time, the second one down at his side.

I was done with this prick at this rate, so I slashed at his chest. I saw the familiar red stain appear on my blade, causing him to step back. Something in this dude changed because all of a sudden he was attacking much faster and stronger. I blocked them as well as I could, but an attack got through that slashed my chest. I stumbled back as his other blade slashed my leg, causing me to drop to a knee. I swore and raised my tonfa to block the sword coming in from above me.

He laughed and kicked me back, the tonfa being dropped from my hand as I rolled across the roof. I looked up and saw Selena still sitting there, was she going to help me at all or was I going to die here? Wait a second, she landed before me. He probably told her he was going to fight me and see if I was capable of something like that. What the fuck is this dude's problem? I pushed myself up and got on my feet, raising my fists for round two of the fight. I swear this son of a bitch was grinning as he was kicking my ass. He lunged at me, his blade coming within mere centimeters of my chest. I stepped to the side as he did so and kicked his arm, causing him to drop his weapon. As it fell to the ground, I crouched and grabbed it. His second kukri came from above and I blocked it with his own blade.

I wasn't going down easily. Pushing up on the blade I swept his legs out from under him, watching him hit the ground as I jumped back. I saw Selena smiling at me and I flipped her the bird, a clearly fake look of sadness came across her face. Watching the masked man flip back up, I could tell he and I were both acrobatic. How much so however, was the question I was about to find out. Running at him I held the kukri at my side, waiting for the right moment. As he was about to strike me, I threw the blade in the air and pushed off the ground. Flipping mid air as I caught it I tossed the blade behind him and saw it stick into the ground.

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