Chapter 11

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2 months into summer vacation...

I leant against the balcony railing of the hotel I was staying at in Dubai, gazing upwards at the stars above me. Turning my attention away from the trance of the night sky, I looked back inside my hotel room and saw my assassin uniform laying on the bed. Currently I'm wearing slacks and a white button up shirt. The hotel had a dress code, so I had to buy some new clothes.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out my phone and read the time, 10:45. Since I was eight hours ahead of them in New Chelsea, Maya would call me before I went to bed and I'd call her before she went to bed. We had a weird system going on, but we loved every time we spoke to each other. Even if it was only for a little bit, me being on the other side of the world never stopped the two of us.

I sighed for probably the millionth time that night and threw my phone onto my bed as I walked inside. I took a quick look at my hotel room, and damn was it big. I had a king size bed, a walk-in closet, a huge shower and bathtub, and a nice living room. There was only one thing missing, she had baby blue hair and a smile that melts my heart everytime I see it. I flop onto my bed, facing the ceiling and hear my phone go off.

Quickly sitting upright I pull my phone out and answer it. "Hello?" I answer, wondering who it could be. To be one hundred percent honest with you I didn't even read the caller id. I heard a garbled voice on the other side, followed by giggles and someone screaming. Damn it Claire, did you seriously have all the girls over and you decided to call me? "Claire, put Maya on the phone."

"Maya's not here Aaron," Claire said, picking up the phone to talk to me. "But I'm more than willing to take a message for the lovely queen of the day. I mean, you do know what today is right?" I blinked a few times, wondering what today would've been. "You totally forgot, didn't you. How could you forget your girlfriend's birthday!? You're such a horrible person!"

"Are you seriously pulling that card?" I ask her, flopping back down onto my bed. I sigh and she can tell something's up with me, but she knew better not to ask. I, on the other hand, knew she wanted to. "I've been shot at, stabbed, nearly ran over, and almost got beheaded last night." I sat up on my bed and looked at the sleeve on my arm. "I know I'm horrible for forgetting her birthday, but she knows I've been busy and hopefully will understand."

"She understands, but you also need to do a better job of remembering." I heard her sigh and then the sound of some other girl saying something. I could barely hear anything she said due to the screams coming from the girls when Claire told them she was on the phone with Maya's boyfriend. "Anyway, I gotta return to the party. Maya should be back any second, Selena showed up and said she needed to talk to her for a bit. Just be safe Aaron, Maya's not the only one who cares about you."

I smiled at this, even though I already knew it. "I will Claire, you can count on it." I heard her yell at one of the girls, telling her that Maya won't want all the girls hitting on me. I guess Maya had shown them a picture of me and they all decided to steal me away from her, because that was the exact vibe I got when Claire yelled at them again. "It seems like you have your hands busy, so I'll let you go. Tell Maya I'll call her before she goes to bed. I got a guy to go kill."

"Stay safe Aaron," she said. I guess she decided to say the next part because Maya walked into the room. I heard Maya's voice ask who Claire was on the phone with. I swear I could feel her grin from my side of the phone, because damn her. "I love you Aaron, please stay safe for me." What followed next was Maya diving at Claire. Right before it had happened she had activated the video feed so I could see the two of them wrestling with the phone.

"Get her Maya!" I told her, causing her to smile as she quickly saw me. I was so horrible, encouraging such bad behavior. I mean, as if I'm one to talk. I'm about to go kill someone in an hour because they've been selling weapons to the mob we're targeting. STILL targeting is a better way of saying it. I've been tracing down every lead I could possibly follow, and honestly surprised I haven't died yet.

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