Chapter 16

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A month later...

"Hit me," I told the dealer, watching him hand me my card. Steph was standing behind me at the table, her arms around my neck as she rested her head on my shoulder. I showed her my cards and she tapped my chest three times, our little secret code. "21," I said, throwing the two cards on the table and collecting my winnings. I heard multiple groans from the other players as I won and left the table.

"Selena and Pat are waiting for your order," Steph whispered in my ear, making it look like she was whispering something dirty. I smiled and nodded at her, quickly looking around the casino to catch Selena and Pat at a different table. They appeared to be doing well and this was good, because we needed a distraction to get to the server room. "Liam and Claire found spots in the bathrooms where we could climb into the vents. Rose and Serena are on the roof with Zach and Scott."

"Good," I whispered to her as I saw Liam leave the men's restroom and wait for Claire. She walked out and took his arm, the two walking off to the bar to get a drink. All of us under 21 were drinking either water or soda, because while we do kill people, we don't drink underage. At least, not in public. "Scott," I whispered into my earpiece.

"Yeah boss?" I heard him respond, a huge grin on his face by the way he was talking. "What do you need?" I heard him comment to someone and heard a thud on the roof. "Sorry about that, had another guard come up onto the roof. We got a small pile of bodies up here, at least...7?"

"Oh my god," I sighed, hearing Steph giggle next to me. "I need you to do me a favor."

"What's up? You need me to kill someone? Stalk someone? Seduce someone?" I swear I heard Selena sigh, meaning he most likely said that last part while forgetting our mother was listening in on comms.

"I need you to keep an eye on Zach for me," I told him, catching Liam's eye and nodding to him. He nodded back and went back to talking to Claire. "If he goes somewhere or does something, follow him but don't interfere."

"You sure dude?" Scott asked me, I could hear the familiar clacking of his phone keyboard. "I'm not saying I can't follow him, but if he does something stupid it'll be hard not to step in and save his sorry ass."

"He doesn't work directly for us," I told him as I spotted a security guard nodding to me. I returned the nod and I discovered our inside man. "Just follow him and provide backup if it's truly necessary. Also, I still want that story on how you hooked up with a goddess."

"I'll tell you after you get married, my man, properly and in front of all of us," Scott chuckled. "Besides, I think Serena's pretty cute. I could totally ask her out. You think I got a shot?"

"Not only will my wife kill you, but Steph and the others will too." I heard him laugh and it was followed by a softened smack upside the head. I'm guessing Serena hit him and knocked some sense into him. "Thank you Serena," I chuckled as I spotted the doorway leading upstairs. It was surrounded by two guards and we could easily take them out, but that would mean making a scene. "Hey, I need someone to fuck some shit up to get the guards away from the door. Anyway someone can make a scene?"

"Leave it to me," Liam said over the radio. A smirk came onto my face as I saw him kiss her and leave to make a distraction. Little did I know however, that Claire was going to help him. The two of them decided to pick a fight with a dude who had been checking Claire out, and boy was he screwed. "Hey buddy! I noticed you've been checking out my girl." I heard the punch get thrown over the earpiece and I couldn't help but smile inwardly.

I saw the guards move from the doorway, running to break up the fight. Steph and I took it as our signal and ran to the door. We threw it open and quickly shut it, making sure no one heard us. I activated my watch and she activated hers, our assassin costumes replacing our current clothes. I pulled out my tonfa and she pulled out her pistol, the two of us walking down the dimly lit hallway.

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