7. I'm Insane

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I get bored, so I start walking around again. Except that's boring, so I end up in my room. 

I pace. Back and forth, back and forth. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. 

"Ugh!" I say, falling onto my bed. I kick my shoes off and flip over so I'm staring at the ceiling. 

Even the ceiling is boring.

Back and forth, back and forth. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. I pace.

I think I'm going crazy, and I'm not even in the arena yet. I'm not even in the Capitol yet. And I'm already going crazy.

There's a clock in my room. I haven't noticed it before.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Back and forth, back and forth. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. I pace.

I'm definitely going crazy.

If I'm this crazy now, how crazy am I going to be in the arena? Pretty damn crazy. I just hope I don't end up like some of those tributes who become Cannibals or something. 

I could live with being crazy, just not that crazy.

Besides, if I do win, I'll end up being crazy anyway.

How do I know? Have you seen some of the victors? They all have an escape of some sort. Alcohol, drugs, etc. They just can't cope with seeing it all anymore.

I stop pacing and lay down on my bed, thinking.

If I win, I wonder what my escape will be. I don't want it to be harmful like drugs or alcohol. I hope it's something easier. Maybe I'll read, or spend more time working with computers. Those are things I like to do. But then again, the victors didn't like to do drugs or drink alcohol before their games.

I'm confident. I'm scared. I'm strong. I'm crazy.

I can win, and become even more insane.

--MUST READ~Author's note--

I really liked writing this chapter! I know it seems kind of sudden, like suddenly, BAM! She's insane! But that's not true. She's been insane for a while, she just hasn't known it. Like Katniss before Mockingjay. Why is she suddenly showing it, you ask? Because she's insanely bored and feels alone. She feels like there's no one else that's there to help her, even though Adam is. But she doesn't see it. And she's worried she's going to lose, but she's also worried about what's going to happen to her if she wins. She doesn't want to die, but she doesn't want to go completely insane and take drugs or drink or something along those lines. She's confused, bored, and alone. She's insane.

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