18. Scores

135 4 1

Practicing for the actual interview with Beetee was tedious. He gave me different personalities to try out; funny, smart, kind, protective, sexy, secretive, mysterious... I've decided to combine daring and kind. It's a weird combination, but I think it's closer to me than the others.

Our living room on the third floor is a bit crowded. It's not only me and Adam, but Beetee, Wiress, Layla, Brandon, and Cleo (Adam's stylist)crowded on the couches and chairs, waiting for our training scores to be announced. We've got the pre-show on, and Caesar's talking to one of the Gamemakers about these Games. Well, he's trying to, but the Gamemaker's not giving away much. Most of the conversation focuses on previous games (mostly last year's), along with the occasional mention of this year's tributes. They mostly compare us to last year's tributes. I get compared to Hailey Brooks, District Four tribute. Apparently we're quite similar... I don't see it.

Finally Caesar tells the Gamemaker and the camera that they're out of time. They say their goodbyes, and we all sit on the edge of our seats as the District One boy gets an eight. The next three tributes slip by easily, and I don't really see their scores. My attention comes back into focus when Adam's face lights up the screen, along with a flashing seven. He smiles and holds up his hand for a high five, but I shake my head, pointing at the screen.

My  face appears, and I dig my fingernails into my palms. This could literally be life or death for me. I'm hoping they saw my... Stupidity for something more and gave me a high score. Or they hate me so much that they're going to give me one.Please, please, please... I think.

I squeal like a little girl when the number eleven appears on the screen. Eleven. I give Adam that high five with full force, and he clutches his hand afterwords. I apparently put too much force into it. But when you know you have a chance at getting some sponsors and possibly living, you can't help but give a high five with full force.

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