13. District Two

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On day two of training, I try not to stick to a station too long. We only have one day left, and I still have so much to try.

I try as many as I can, staying at one until I get the concept of it. And then I leave. I mostly try the survival stations, because I know a lot about weapons. And I know which ones I'm good with, and the ones that I can't handle at all.

When the head instructor tells us that it's time to go, I've tried most of the stations. I smile as I walk to the elevator, proud of myself.


"Okay, today is the day." Beetee tells us. "Be impressive. Now's the time to show your skills. Show the Gamemakers what you can do. Show them that you're an amazing tribute. Show them that you deserve a good score."

"I'm shooting for an eight." Adam tells us.

"I'm shooting for a ten." I reply. Everyone stares. "What?" I ask.

"That's a really high score." Beetee reminds me.

"I know. But it doesn't hurt to shoot high, right?" I ask him.

"I suppose not." He says back simply, glancing at his watch. "Okay, time to go. Good luck guys, make sure to show them your strengths!" He tells us as we walk into the elevator.

"You nervous?" Adam asks me after the doors close and we start to go down.

"Not really." I reply, when suddenly the elevator stops. I look at Adam, confused. It's never stopped before. I look up at the sign telling us what floor we're on. We're on District 2's floor.

The District 2 tributes step into the elevator, looking surprised when they see that other people are in there. The girl is medium height like me, but she has short brown hair and gray eyes. The boy is tall and thin, with black hair and hazel eyes. The girl studies me for a second before stepping in, and the boy follows her lead. It's clear who the leader is of these two.

The girl hits the basement button, and says "You're 3, right?"

"Yes," I answer.

She holds out her hand. "Rikki King." she says as she shakes my hand. She seems nice, for a District 2 tribute.

"Cynthia Jones. Call me C." I tell her.

The guy doesn't say anything. Rikki holds her hand out to Adam. He shakes it. "Adam Parker." he tells her. And, because it's Adam, he has to add in, "You're really nice."

Rikki laughs. "Yeah, some District 2 tributes do give us a bad rep." I notice her eyes flicker to the other District 2 tribute.

"You are really nice, though." I tell her as the elevator stops in the basement.

We chat for a while while we wait for our names to be called. It isn't as awkward as the elevator. Mainly because the District 2 boy is the first to be called.

His name is Blake Turner. I already know he's someone to look out for. When we were in the elevator, he was looking at us like he was already planning out our deaths. Definitely staying away from him.

Soon, I get to curious not to ask. "Rikki? Are you going to ally with Blake? You don't have to tell me." I mainly only ask because she, Adam, and I are the only ones left.

"Well, I guess the first question should be: Are we going to be allies?" She asks, looking from me to Adam.

"I'd love to be your ally." I tell her, and Adam nods.

"Great. I'm not allying with him. He seems untrustworthy. And I don't think he's said a word to me this whole time." She just finishes saying this when Adam's name is called.

"Good luck." Rikki and I say at the same time as Adam walks through the door.

"Rikki, why would you want to ally with Adam and I? You're not going to be... You know..." I say, trailing off.

"A career? No. I've never wanted to be one." She says.

"Did you volunteer? You don't have to answer, I'm just nosy."

"Yes, I did. My family's really poor, and we need the money. And if I die, they have one less mouth to feed. Either way it's a win for them." She says sadly.

"That's not true. They'd miss you." I tell her.

"You volunteered, didn't you?" She asks me.

"Yes. In the place of my best friend. She's sick, she wouldn't survive long..." I tell her.

"That's very selfless of you." She tells me.

I'm about to respond when my name is called. "Cynthia Jones." I hear a voice say.

"Good luck, C." Rikki tells me.

"Thanks, Rikki. You too." I reply as I walk into the room.

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