Unexpectedly Human

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I walked into the guild today with a bad feeling. I couldn't stop biting my cheek as I walked past the doors. I felt several eyes on my back as I made my way over to the bar. I slouched in the first seat in front of the bar and MiraJane walked over to stand in front of me. " What do you want, Lucy? " She asked and smiled at me and I could almost swear that I saw pity in her eyes for a second. I swallowed and looked her straight in the eye. " I could use a bucket full of answers. " I said nervously and Mira sighed, the tension in her shoulders bunching them a little higher. " I can't help you with that, Lucy. You'll have to ask Natsu about that. He's in the back of the guild. " She said and her voice went a note higher with stress. " Um, thanks. " I said and slid out of the seat.

I trudged to the back of the guild and I heard Mira whisper " Good Luck, Luce. " I shivered slightly but kept walking. " Hey! Lucy! " I heard Natsu call my name and he waved me over, a big grin plastered on his face. Erza, Gray and a white haired girl sat with him, their backs to me. I didn't recognize the girl at first and then it hit me when she turned around. I was staring a dead but clearly not dead person in the face. " L-Lissana! " I stammered and she smiled at me as I staggered over. She opened her arms and I stepped into them and hugged her fiercely. " Y-you're alive! You're really alive! Thank God! I've missed you. " I exclaimed and I felt her smile into my hair.

Then her hand stopped and she held me at a distance. " Natsu has something to tell you, Lucy. But before he tells you please know that I wish I could change this but I can't. I love Natsu and he loves me. Please forgive me. I know you will. Someday. " She said and I felt my heart come to a screeching halt in my chest. I swallowed and then looked up at Natsu who was staring at me. " Lissana was right. I do have something to tell you. Come here... Lucy. " He said and my throat closed up and I couldn't breathe but I walked over to him. Natsu hopped off the stool and came to a stop two chairs away from me. " There's no way for me to say this gently and you're a big girl so I doubt that you'll be upset. " Natsu huffed and I felt the urge to wrap my arms around myself. I suddenly felt cold as if someone had turned on an air conditioner right behind me.

" Okay. Keep going. " I say though I want him to do anything but keep talking. I had never heard Natsu talk like this, so cold and formal. " We... I don't want you on Team Natsu anymore. Your weak and you hide behind your spirits. You claim that their your friends but all you do is use them as shields. I hate that about you. Go home. Don't come back. You're nothing but trouble. " Natsu said stiffly. I felt my heart crack in two then crumble to dust in my chest. I was weak? Trouble? Natsu... hates me? My vision began to get cloudy and I felt a tear slip down my face. Natsu grunted and then I heard someone clear their throat. Gray stood up and came to stand next to Natsu and he folded his arms across his chest. " Stop crying. You claim to be strong but strong people don't cry. " He said but he wasn't looking at me. I looked past him to see Erza still looking at the wall.

" Erza. You too? " I asked my voice breaking on her name and she flinched but kept her back to me. " This is for the best. We can still hang out but you're not on the team anymore. I really don't even think I could hang out with a weakling like you anyway. I am Erza so I can't be seen with you. " She said and I felt myself shatter from the inside out. I wiped my eye and held it all in. It would be over soon. It would all be over soon. " Okay. That's fine. I won't come back then. I hope you're happy. " I said and turned away.  Natsu, Gray and Erza had the nerve to chuckle and it pushed me past my breaking point. " YOU ARROGANT SON OF A BITCH! YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO LAUGH WHEN ALL YOU DO IS HURT THE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT YOU MOST. I'VE BEEN ON THIS TEAM FOR 2 YEARS AND NOW THAT LISSANA'S BACK YOU THROW ME AWAY LIKE SOME OLD TRASH! THAT'S JUST FINE BUT YOU WILL NOT LAUGH AT MY PAIN YOU SICK BASTARDS! " I shrieked and All three of them just looked at me.

I yanked off my whip and slashed it sideways so that it caught all three of them across the face. " I really do hope your happy. Without me. I'm not coming back. " I said and my right hand beginning to tingle. I looked down at it and it was beginning to fade. I raised my right hand and started to shout. " HEY TRAITORS! I AM OFFICIALLY LEAVING FAIRY TAIL! I WANT TO THANK ALL OF YOU WHO ACTUALLY LOVED ME! I'M NOT COMING BACK HERE AND FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO STILL HAVE A CONSCIENCE DON'T COME LOOKING FOR ME! " I screamed and then lowered my hand. I smiled at everyone one last time and the tears began to pour down my cheeks. " I love you. Everyone. Thank you for everything Fairy Tail. Have a nice life. " I said and walked out of the guild in silence. 

I ran for my house and began to throw things into a bag. I had to get away from here. I had to. I grabbed the bag and flung the door open. I ran down the street towards the forest and I couldn't see because the tears cascading my face were falling full force. I ran and ran and didn't stop until I stepped onto air and fell into a gorge. I fell faster and faster. I screamed the whole way down.

Back At The Guild ( Natsu's POV )

I looked at Gray and Erza and shook my head in confusion. Erza sat still as a statue and Gray looked horrified. What had we just done. The first one to break the silence was Erza. " LUCY!!!! " She cried and I knew it was all over. Erza never cried or screamed. She was always so brave. I had never seen her cry before. I saw Lucy's heart broken face behind my lids as I closed them and I heard a heavy thud and turned to see Gray on his knees holding his head. I shook my head again again trying to shake the memories away. I finally stopped shaking my head and raised my hand to my face and felt my face burn with pain. Lucy's whip had cut me and I finally broke down. I had just hurt the one person I loved more than Lissana.

I laughed at myself and sank to the floor. I laughed louder and louder as I began to cry. I heard Erza sobbing behind me and Gray was punching the floor repeatedly. Erza kept calling Lucy's name and I couldn't hear anything else but my own pathetic laughter. " Shut the hell up! All three of you! " I looked up to see MiraJane standing over my. She kicked me and I coughed up blood as she kept kicking me. She eventually stopped and moved on to Gray. She slapped him until he lay on the floor, his face bloody and red. She moved to Erza and looked her in the eye before slapping her. Hard. Erza reequipped and MiraJane kicked her into the wall. " Look what your idiocy did to Lucy! The sweetest girl here and you broke her heart! The most precious soul in here and you've destroyed it! What is wrong with you people? She's saved our asses more times than I can remember. And this is how you treat her? I wouldn't be surprised if she came back to kill you all. I hope she does. " MiraJane spat and I cringed.

She was right. I'd hurt Lucy too badly for her to recover. Lucy would never come back, unless it was to destroy the guild. " SHE TRUSTED YOU ALL! AND YOU FREAKING BETRAYED HER! WE WERE HER FAMILY! SHE HAD A SMILE ON HER FACE WHEN SHE LEFT! HER HEART WAS BREAKING BUT SHE STILL LOVED US! AFTER EVERYTHING YOU PEOPLE HAVE DONE TO HER SHE STILL LOVED YOU! YOU'RE ALL PATHETIC EXCUSES FOR MAGES AND EVEN POORER EXCUSES FOR FRIENDS! I'M GOING AFTER LUCY WITH LEVY! DON'T ANY OF YOU DARE FOLLOW OR I'L- " She screamed but never finished her sentence. Lucy's scream echoed in the guild hall and everyone ran out the door and into the forest. We all came to a screeching halt as we saw the body at the foot of the cliff.

Lucy's broken body sat crumpled at the bottom of the ravine. MiraJane shrieked and collapsed in a fit of sobs. Erza dropped to the ground and screamed until her voice broke and she quieted but didn't stop whispering, " I'm sorry Lucy. ", under her breath.  The rest of the guild was varying degrees of horrified. Slowly one by one they all began to look at one another and cry. " We killed her. " Someone said and I didn't recognize the voice as my own at first. I fell to the ground and was about to pitch myself down to the bottom of the cliff when a hand caught at my shoulder. I turned to see MiraJane standing over me, her face a mask of complete rage. " Don't even think about it you bastard. You're the one who killed her. Don't even think for a second that you're going to get away with this. You, Gray and Erza. You're all sick. You destroyed the one thing that made Fairy Tail a brighter place. Live with it. " She hissed and fled with Levy right behind her.

MiraJane was right. She always had been. I had murdered the only girl who had meant anything to me. What was wrong with me? I didn't see Lucy twitch or move but the next time I looked down her body was gone, a single strand of golden hair waving in the breeze before flying away with the wind.

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