A Personal Meeting With Todoroki

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Chapter 2

At first everyone was very excited to get to know the new student but that excitement quickly disappeared. She didn’t seem used to socializing with others and for some reason she made everyone surrounding her extremely uncomfortable.

Within three days she had isolated herself from the rest of the class. No one seemed bothered in trying to talk to her anymore, not even Midoriya, who was known for being sometimes too social, he hadn’t even introduced himself to her. Was it deliberate? Did she intentionally push everyone away to be alone? These were the questions Todoroki couldn’t help but ask himself.

He had overheard Tsuya mentioned to Ochako how uncomfortable she felt around her. “It’s like this strange sensation of suffocation, I feel like moving as far away as possible,” was this maybe a part of her Quirk? After all, none of them yet knew what hers was, the possibilities were still endless. Maybe it was just curiosity but nonetheless.

Thursday was a rather hot day, training that afternoon was not going to be amusing for a lot of the 1-A students. Though receiving Ice-cream at the cafeteria at lunch that day did in some way make up for their dissatisfaction with training later.

“You didn’t take any Ice-cream Todoroki-kun?” Midoriya asked as he enjoyed his own cooling ice-cream,

“I don’t feel the need to cool down like you do, so I’d rather leave it for someone else,”

Ochako smiled, “How considerate of you Todoroki,”

“Considerate, as if!” yelled Bakugou across the table, “I fucking hate your Quirk you half and half bastard, never cold or hot, asshole!”

“Kacchan!” implored Midoriya,

“it’s fine Midoriya, I’ll be taking my leave anyway,” Todoroki stood up from his chair and walked away with his platter in hand. It was sort of a ritual of his, before afternoon classes would start he enjoyed walking around school grounds alone for a few minutes, it was peaceful and calming.

He walked out to the back of the school where a large forest was located. It was still on school grounds though students didn’t come around here often, probably because their was a much prettier garden in the center of the school's buildings.

At the entrance of the forest there were still a few exterior tables, chairs and a bin or two, maybe students used to come around here more often before. The scenery was completely silent other than the birds singing in the trees.

As Todoroki continued to walk around he eventually caught a glimpse of the figure of his new classmate. So, this was were she would be during lunch break, he said to himself.

She hadn’t yet eaten once at the cafeteria, again it was most likely to many people for her to handle. That was definitely one thing Todoroki had picked up on, she wasn’t just unsocial, crowds physically made her feel unwell, why though he still ignored.

He stared at her from afar curious as to what she may be doing, sitting alone at one of these old tables. As he paid a little more attention, he saw a small bird sprint around on the table, flapping it’s wings every so often as to demand for more breadcrumbs.

He was surprised to see the Robin stand so closely to her without seeming scared, though it must have been because it was desperate for food. Than unexpectedly she stood up from the table walking towards the bin, no longer feeding breadcrumbs to the Robin still chirping on the table.

Her hand reached out to the bin and her eyes shot upwards and onto Todoroki, she had just noticed his staring. She dropped the trash she was holding, she seemed shaken and confused by his presence as she continued to stare straight at him.

“Sakamoto-,” Todoroki tried to call out to his classmate but he found himself incapable of finishing his sentence as he watched her eyes change color. They switched from a light purple to heterochromia iridum of brown and blue. One flashed to a light blue as the other darken to a chocolate brown.

“What the hell” was the only thought that came to Todoroki’s mind as he stared at his classmates eyes or should he say his own eyes. Though before he had the time to question it further his conscience was filled by the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

“how long has he been there staring at me like that,”

This was? no surely it couldn’t be, Todoroki tried to reassure himself, was this her voice, Atsuko’s voice in his head? As he tried to make sense out of what was happening he heard just one more word muttered in a whisper, “Fuck,” was all he heard before this strange sensation of suffocation overcame his body. It was almost as if his fight or flight instincts had taken over.

He felt the need to run, to step back, one step, two and crack. He stepped on a large branch which brought him back to his senses. The disturbing sensation had disappeared along with the eye contact he had kept with Atsuko until now.

He raised his gaze once again to look at her, she seemed more anxious and petrified than he did. She slowly opened her mouth, she tried to speak but before she could say anything the bell rang silencing her.

Todoroki didn’t stay around, he walked away the second the bell had finished ringing. He didn’t need an explanation, maybe he even feared the explanation.

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