Artificial Pain

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Chapter 18

Who would have thought that Friday afternoon could go by so slowly. Maybe it was because Atsuko couldn’t even take notes of her classes that she felt time went by so much slower. She wished for the bell to ring so she could go home, her arm hurt and she just wanted to lay down with some ice in a more comfortable position than the one she was currently in since 8am.

She watched the clock above the board tick by, 10 minutes left, than just 5. Soon, soon, than an unexpected noise erupted in the class but it wasn’t the bell. “Present Mic!” huffed M. Aizawa at the door, “Can I borrow Atsuko for a second?”

Borrow? Thought Atsuko, what am I, a pen? Only 2 minutes left, damn it I’m going to be held back, aren’t I.

“Of course,” Present Mic gestured for her to follow M. Aizawa outside of the classroom, half willingly she stood up from her chair.

“Close the door would you,” M. Aizawa asked once they had exited the classroom, “When were you going to say something?”

Atsuko just stared at him in confusion, “Excuse me?”

“Your Quirk?”

“Oh,” All Might had already told him what she had said during lunch break, “I didn’t think it was necessary to bother anyone with it,”

“Not necessary? As your teacher that’s what I'm here for,”

“I’ll know for next time, listen I just thought, you know,” she paused,

“No, I clearly do not know?”

“It’s a me problem? It’s always a me problem when it comes to my Quirk. I think to much, don’t concentrate enough, I let my emotions get in the way, let myself forget that I’m suppose to, at all times, be in control, it’s my fault there’s a problem,”

“No Atsuko, that’s not,” he sighed, “You were sadly gifted a Quirk with a lot of flaws but that doesn’t mean those flaws are your fault or responsibility. It’s normal to feel emotions, sadly you have to repress that, but don’t ever feel guilty for not being in control because you have sentiment.”

“Oh,” for a second no one spoke, “I’m sorry Sensei, I just,”

“Listen what’s important is that you understand you can ask for help when you need it, especially for something as serious as this,”

“This might be out of place and if it is I’m sorry but do you feel responsible? About USJ?”

He frowned, she was perceptive he’d give her that, “Yes, I take full responsibility for what happened, to your classmates and you. Because as your teacher whatever happens to you under my watch is my responsibility,”

“Than why do I feel guilty?” She twirled her fingers again, “I’m sorry Sensei but had I not been so careless,” she paused, “I should have been in that hospital bed,”

“If that’s the case, than I’m glad it was me instead, you shouldn’t feel guilt Atsuko, like I said as your teacher it is my role to protect you students, no matter the cost,”

“It’s not that easy!”

“I’m aware, everyone needs time to digest such emotions, I don’t expect you to get over such emotions with a few simple words. That’s why I think it’s best you leave your Quirk to rest,”

“What? But All Might-”

“Yes, said to overcome it, I agree, as long as you’re careful, that means within school grounds were you can have assistance. We’ll see how we’ll work things out during training on Monday, it’ll allow us teachers to evaluate the situation,”

(Shoto X OC X Katsuki) The Rebirth Of A Criminal Where stories live. Discover now