What We Share In Common

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Chapter 6

What was Todoroki doing standing at my locker, she thought. “Can I help you?”

“Could I walk you home?” he simply asked,

“Excuse me?” she was shocked by his proposal,

“I asked if-” clearly he thought she hadn’t understood

“No! I heard you but why? Wouldn’t you prefer avoid me like everyone else, I mean, you definitely have reason to, considering what happened at lunch,”

“It’ll be an occasion to talk, you don’t have to accept,”

His face was so calm and unfazed, it almost looked as if he were exhausted, so much so that his face no longer strained itself to show emotion.

Somehow his lacked of expression reassured Atsuko. She stared at his blank expression for a moment without realizing, though Todoroki had thought she was staring at something else.

He raised his left hand and covered his burn, “sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, it’s not exactly a pretty scar,” he couldn’t even bring himself to look at her.

“Oh no,” she reassured, “I was looking at your expression, you seem tired, I shouldn’t be keeping you waiting here, let’s go,” she begun to walk, her change of heart highly surprised Todoroki because she didn’t have any reason to want to walk with him.

They walked together to the train station in complete silence. The only words pronounced by Atsuko were a few sentences to explain to Todoroki which train she was taking and that if he needed to take a different one to go home he should just take it.

“Oh no,” he answered, “there’s no need we share the same train,”.

She couldn’t wrap her head around what Todoroki was thinking, normally she was really good at reading body language and facial expressions but the man was unreadable.

If he wished to talk why hadn’t he said anything? She couldn’t help it, not knowing was unbearable, so her eyes switched, as the red slowly left, being replaced by a light blue and chocolate brown once again.

“You could just ask,” Todoroki finally said something,

“What?” she stared at him, what was he referring to?

“You’re using your Quirk and if I picked up on it properly, you’ve infiltrated my mind, you’re trying to understand why I asked to walk home with you,”

“How did you-”

“How did I know,” he gave her a light smile, “Your eyes,”

“So you picked up on that,”

“Well, not quite, Midoriya did and I just happened to overhear him,"

“Ok, than what do you want?”

“I’ve heard something about your parents,”

“Oh great!” she groaned, “had I known everyone would be so interested I would have brought a family tree to class,”

“The only reason Bakugou brought your parents up was because he likes to test people, see how far he can push them, don’t take it personally, he’s cruel like that,”

“and you? Why did you bring my parents up?”

“Because-” he lightly sighed, “I believe we share some similarities, I overheard your parents had you in order to improve their Quirks,”

Atsuko frowned before staring at the ground, “Than you heard correct,”

“My parents did the same,” there was a moment of silence, Todoroki hadn’t expected to share his story with any of his classmates but he hadn’t thought he would be classmates with someone sharing a similar story either. “I didn’t think I would meet someone who had been threw the same experience,”

“what are you referring to when you say that,”

“Well, they obviously expected something from you, you were created for a purpose. You were viewed more as an object than an actual person with emotions, am I wrong?”

“You’re not” the train came to a stop, “This is were I get off,”

“So do I,” the two walked off the train and begun to walk out of the station but, right at the door’s exit Atsuko came to a complete stop. Todoroki turned around and saw the rather distressed expression she had.

“Todoroki, we’re not the same,” she hushed barely loud enough for him to hear, “I’m not disregarding the pain you’ve lived though, I do not doubt you lived threw horrors I could only imagine, I know, I’ve seen what you’ve lived threw. But the worlds view on us are entirely different, you are the son of an extraordinary, powerful and well known hero. I on the other hand am the daughter of two criminals who committed unforgivable crimes, crimes your father tried to stop. The way people view us are different,”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m saying that,” she choked on her words, “I don't understand, I don’t know what you were hoping for, speaking with me today. If it were in hopes of discovering a better person than you thought I was, you were wrong.”

Todoroki eyes closed a second as he breathed in harshly, “I don’t think you’re a bad person, I never did. What I think is that you're a person who was burden by their parents decisions, though, my opinion counts for little,”

“Really?” she asked, it felt like a needy confirmation, “Do you really think that? How can you, after how I acted at lunch!”

“Well, I can’t have an opinion on something I don’t really understand, so maybe if you explained your Quirk to me and what happened it could help,” Todoroki waved his hand as to tell her to start walking again as he picked up his pace again.

“You didn’t have to walk me all the way to my house,” Atsuko stated as they stood in front of her gate,

“It’s fine I don’t live far from here, it’s like a ten minute walk, it’s not like I anticipate going home, besides, it was nice to officially meet you Sakamoto,”

She frowned her eyes, “Don’t call me that, I hate my last name,”

“Than what can I call you?"

“Atsuko is fine,”

“Than I’ll see you tomorrow in class Atsuko,” he gave her one last small smile before picking up his pace once more making his way home.

Atsuko on the other hand walked up to her front door and was about to put her key into the lock when the door unexpectedly opened. She looked down to see her grandmother standing there,

“Atsuko!” Her grandmother greeted, “Hurry in, someone’s here to see you,”

(Shoto X OC X Katsuki) The Rebirth Of A Criminal Where stories live. Discover now