Visiting Recovery Girl

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Chapter 5

Training lessons had finished, everyone had a turn to show their worth on the grounds except Midoriya who was still recovering. Each pair had faced each other and no one was sent to see Recovery Girl, except, of course, the savages of the class, Bakugou and Sakamoto.

As the students left the training grounds to change, M. Aizawa made his way back to the infirmary to check on his injured students.

The first thing he saw when opening the door was the infirmary beds with a sleeping Bakugou and a well awake Sakamoto.

“ah Shota, I wasn’t expecting you so soon,” greeted Recovery Girl, “I took care of them the best I could. I must say, I wasn’t expecting to see the new girl so soon, I thought you said she was rational,”

“She is,” Sighed M. Aizawa, “if Bakugou hadn’t mentioned her parents this wouldn’t have happened,”

“I see,”

“By the way,” added M. Aizawa, “Why is she awake shouldn’t she be asleep? Your Quirk-”

Recovery Girl interrupted him before he could finish his false statement, “I didn’t use my Quirk on her, only on the blond boy,” Recovery Girl pulled M. Aizawa to the side to be sure Atsuko wouldn’t hear them, “I’m not sure she’s aware of this but our Quirks aren’t compatible, so I’d rather not use it on her unless it’s absolutely necessary. Besides, other than a few cuts and bruises she’s fine, the pain she’s feeling is artificial, it’s the blond boy’s pain,”

“Right,” M. Aizawa frowned, “well, when they both wake up send them back to class, it’ll give Atsuko some time to think about what I'm going to say. So, please excuse me while I scold my student,”

Recovery Girl nodded at M. Aizawa before walking away allowing him to walk towards the infirmary beds.

“A word Atsuko,” he stared her down, her eyes still red, matching Bakugou’s, “I hope to be reassured knowing you are already aware of the dangers of the actions you took this afternoon?”

“Of course,” She confirmed with force and assurance in her voice, there was no doubt, no guilt or regret in her voice, it rang monotone, no emotions.

“Glad to see you took control over your Quirk,” added M. Aizawa, “I’m not fully blaming you for what happened of course. Katsuki should not have brought up personnel information during your training, for that he will be sanctioned. Though,” he growled, “I’d had expected you have better control over your emotions, especially you,”

“I know, there’s no excuse for how I behaved. I shouldn’t have let his words get to me, that was entirely my fault. That was weakness,”

M. Aizawa frowned at her last commentary, “There’s no need to be that harsh on yourself, had you not reacted that may have been even more problematic. You are allowed to feel a certain way towards your parents,”

Atsuko raised her face to finally meet M. Aizawa’s gaze, “it’s not that easy Sensei,” she gave him a rather sadden smile, “I don’t expect you to understand, but even though, you tried, thank you,”

Her words made him feel uncomfortable, what was he to say in return? He tapped his tongue against the top of his mouth before looking away, “Get back to class when Katsuki wakes up,” he finished his scolding, proceeding to walk away for good.

Atsuko sat quietly in the infirmary bed situated next to Bakugou’s, she didn’t want to disturb him. Though she would preferably like for him to wake up as soon as possible.

She closed her eyes and breathed in slowly than out, meditating as to regain complete control over her emotions.

It may have been ten minutes maybe twenty she wasn’t sure but Bakugou’s groaning distracted her enough to open her eyes.

“ah man, everything hurts,” Bakugou complained as he shifted his position in the bed, as he did, he opened his eyes and saw the bed next to him was occupied by none other than Atsuko. “You!” he immediately started shouting the second he was awake, “I’m gonna burn you to the ground!” he tried to charge at her but he found himself incapable of moving.

“stay in bed and stop moving, you’re only going to hurt yourself further,” Atsuko sighed, rolling her eyes at this man’s level of stupidity,

“you’re using your Quirk! Stop it immediately let me move Kimoi brat!”

“you’re exhausting, stay still baka! You’re only damaging yourself,”

“Since when do you care what could happen to me?” he scoffed

“I don’t, it’s not for your sake I’m saying it. Be an idiot if you please but wait until I’ve left your consciousness, I don’t need to feel your stupidity in my body too,”

“You’re still in my head!” he roared, “get the fuck out!”

“Don’t you get it? I can’t! I need to be emotionally stable but your anger keeps filling every inch of my being! So if you could just chill for five minutes!”

“Why didn’t you just leave when I was asleep!”

“You’re a raging nightmare even then!”

“Kimoi brat!”

She opted to ignore him, she scoffed before releasing her Quirk allowing Bakugou to move once again.

He’s so whiny for someone with such a loud voice she thought to herself. “oh you’re both awake,” Recovery Girl had popped out of nowhere, “than I’ll be sending you back to class! So up you get!”

The two stood up and begun to make their way back to classroom 1-A, Atsuko was three feet ahead of Bakugou which pissed him off but with the pain he was feeling he couldn’t walk any faster. “Oi, aren’t you supposed to also be feeling my pain?”

Atsuko slowed down her footsteps to stand next to Bakugou in order to answer his question, “I do, your rib-cage on the right side and your head are what hurt the most, breathing is seemingly difficult,"

“Than how are you walking faster than me?”

“You honestly think that pain is uncommon to me?” she picked up her pace once again while Bakugou on the contrary slowed down even more.

He hadn’t thought of that, how many times has she felt pain? Was this just normal to her? How could she be so careless if she knows her Quirk causes her pain, she’s just like Deku, Bakugou thought.

Soon enough the two had reached the classroom, Atsuko waited for Bakugou to catch up before knocking on the door, which made him scoff yet again.

She opened the door and moved to let Bakugou walk in first, though instead he shoved her into the room, he had had enough of her attitude. “Don’t go and try acting altruistic,” he groaned before regaining his seat.

She froze for second, “Atsuko, get a move on,” M. Aizawa called out to her, “don’t just stand in the doorway sit down,”

She nodded and did as she was told, everyone’s eyes followed her the whole time she walked towards her desk. She didn’t appreciate it but could she really be angry at them, after what she had done. Some eyes still stayed glued on her even after she had sat down.

The ticking of the clock and the comprehensive whispers of her classmates were the only things she managed to pay attention to. She slightly jumped at the sound of the bell ringing. Chairs started to scratch against the floor as the students began leaving the classroom to return home.

She packed her things and before she knew it she was changing her shoes, she opened the small locker with her name on it placing within it her school shoes.

A figure suddenly appeared and stood closely to her locker, they weren’t moving nor were they opening the locker next to hers. “can I help you? ” she asked as she closed her locker in order meet this person’s gaze.

It was her classmate, the one she ran into at lunch. Todoroki, she thought to herself.

(Shoto X OC X Katsuki) The Rebirth Of A Criminal Where stories live. Discover now