Atsuko VS Momo

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Chapter 23

“Our first duel of the day!” Present Mic announced, “Is between, Midoriya Izuku from the Heroic course against Shinsou Hitoshi from general studies classes,”

Nearly everyone was convinced that Shinsou had won after he managed to brainwash Midoriya so quickly. It was a close call, but as always Midoriya managed to surprise everyone and overthrow the situation to his advantage.

Once he had escape from Shinsou’s brainwashing, their was nearly nothing Shinsou could do, Midoriya had more strength, speed and the upper hand of his Quirk.

Even though the odds were against him Shinsou gave his best, but he did end up being thrown out of the ring. “And we have our first winner! Midoriya Izuku!” He broke his fingers again, Atsuko sighed to herself as she saw the state of his hand.

“I didn’t execpt any less from him,” Todoroki sighed,

“That means if you win you’ll be facing him in your next duel,” Atsuko added,

“I plan on winning,”

“Obviously, none of us want to lose,” she hesitated a second before asking, “Do you? Do you want me to walk down with you? It’s your turn next,”

“You don’t have to,”

“But I’d like to,”

“Thanks,” Todoroki gave her a slight smile, “Than I’d appreciate it if you walked down with me,”

The two stood up from their seats and made their way to the corridors, compared to outside the corridors where much quieter. “Wait, Todoroki,” she grabbed his sleeve, “There’s a vending machine, I’m really thirsty, do you want me to get you anything?”

“No, it’s alright, I have to go anyways my duel is about to start, just go back up and join the class,”

“Oh, okay, than I’ll see you after,” the two parted ways but not for very long as Atsuko heard Todoroki’s voice again, he seemed furious, who was he talking to? She made her way back to the corridor at which she left Todoroki and peaked, Endeavor, she hissed.

“Stop being a rebellious teenager,” She overheard him say to his son, how dare he; “You must start acting seriously, you are to surpass All Might and it’s not by using half your power and spending time with unworthy people that you will succeed such a task,”

“Unworthy?” Atsuko questioned,

“And our second duel is about to begin!” Echoed through the corridors,

“Oh shit!” Atsuko begun to rush up the stairs, she wanted to watch Todoroki’s match, “Midoriya!” she waved, as she made it out of the corridors, “You did great!”

“Thanks! Ow!” he cried as Atsuko hit him in the shoulder, “What, Why?”

“Your fingers!”

“I couldn’t help it!”

“Well I couldn’t stop my arm sorry,”

“Look!” Ochako called out, “Sero is trying to throw Todoroki out of the ring!”

“That is the best option he has,” Bakugou added as he placed his feet on the chair in front of him,

“Oi! Have a little faith in him!” Atsuko scolded, but she wasn’t going to lie to herself either, Sero didn’t have much of a chance to win against Todoroki.

The ground begun to freeze, Todoroki was fighting back, maybe even a little too much. The ice froze Sero but it didn’t stop there, it continued to grow and spread until it filled half of the stadium and even passed over.

The crowd went silent along with everyone else, as they all stared at the huge ice block that covered the entire field. “A little excessive, don’t you think?” Present Mic commented, “The winner of our second duel is Todoroki Shoto and now before we begin our third duel, we will be taking a short break to remove the ice,”

“That was great!” Atsuko tried to encourage Todoroki as he made his way back up to the crowd, “Extra, but still,”

“I was pissed, I didn’t mean to create so much ice,”

“Was it,” she moved closer towards Todoroki before whispering so no one else heard, “because of your dad,”

“How did?”

“I overheard him, in the corridors, I’m sorry you had to run into him, I shouldn’t have left you,”

“It’s not your fault,” Todoroki reassured, “It was going to happen at some point,”

“And now!” The stadium echoed with Present Mic’s voice once again, “We will be starting our third duel,”

“That’s me,” Atsuko jumped out of her seat, “Here!” she handed her water bottle to Todoroki, “Momo?”

“Yes?” She turned around,

“Let’s walk down together, also before I forget! Good luck!”


The two girls entered onto the ring, Atsuko breathed out trying to calm her nerves, she wasn’t nervous about the duel but by being watched by so many people.


Right away Momo’s first reaction was to try and restrain Atsuko’s hands, she created a whip of some sort and threw it around Atsuko. Her chest and upper arms were tied down, Momo proceeded to create some chains and tied them around Atsuko’s hands.

She had succeeded in restraining Atsuko, “Sakamoto,” Midnight called out, “Do you declare forfeit?”

“No? Why would I do that?” She struggled to move even her shoulders, “You definitely tied the whip as tightly as you could, that’s for sure, but” she slowly breathed out, “Many people have tied me down before, obviously my hands seem like a threat,” slowly as Atsuko breathed out, her chest lowered, she had puffed up her chest before Momo tied her, which now allowed her to remove just enough tension off of the whip for her to use her Quirk and snap it, “My arms nor my hands are the threat,” the whip fell to the ground, she than raised her wrists and with as much speed and force she possibly could she jammed her wrists into her stomach snapping the chains around them off, “All I need is a finger,”

Atsuko raised her right hand aiming for Momo, “I won’t go down so easily!” Momo cried as she charged at her, she formed a large metallic bar just like she did during the Cavalry Battle.

“Neither will I!”

Momo raised the bar and with full force hit Atsuko, Atsuko on the other hand had the reflex of raising her arms to protect herself from the attack, except her broken arm didn’t take it so well.

“Argh!” she screamed as she fell to her knees,

“Why!” Momo followed, “My arm!”

She had done it again, she had accidentally used her possession again, “I’m sorry Momo,” Atsuko picked herself off of the ground, “I’m using this to my advantage,” and with that she flung her arm, the amount of wind and dust that flew across the ring made it impossible to see clearly.

“What happened?” Present Mic shouted, “We can’t see a thing!”

As the dust begun to clear itself and the ring was visible again, the crowd could finally see that Atsuko had won the duel as Momo had been ejected from the ring.

“Our winner of the third duel is Sakamoto Atsuko!”

The crowed cheered as Atsuko exited the field, “I think,” she thought to herself, “I’m going to-”

“Why hasn’t Atsuko come up yet? It’s been a moment since her duel ended,” her classmates looked at each other, “Bakugou and Ochako’s duel is about to start,”

(Shoto X OC X Katsuki) The Rebirth Of A Criminal Where stories live. Discover now