Chapter 8

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During dinner, Nara seated herself between Taeil and Johnny, the two eldest competitors. She soon regretted the decision as they began to discuss the differences between the economy and education.

"The world could be a much better place if everyone was well educated." Taeil said, much to the displeasure of Johnny.

"Education won't mean much if they don't have money." Johnny argued.

During their interviews, both men had been absolutely lovely, both kind and well-mannered. It was now that they were placed in this social setting that Nara had realized that she could never truly trust first impressions.

They continued their conversation, seeming to forget Nara's presence between them. Nara let out a small sigh, looking to the other side of the table where Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, and Haechan seemed to be getting along quite well, throwing their heads back as they laughed at a joke Haechan had said.

Nara continued glancing at the table, stopping at Yangyang who had seemed to noticed her displeasure. He gave Nara an encouraging smile before turning his head back to listen to what Ten was talking to him about.

"Your highness, what do you think is more important, education or the economy?" Taeil asked, grabbing her attention.

As Nara turned her head to look at the two men who were staring at her intently, she plastered on a fake smile before answering their question.

"I think both are equally important." Nara said before taking a bit out of her dinner, no longer paying attention to their conversation.


Nara decided that Taeil and Johnny would both be sent home in the morning, giving them the pleasure of one more night in the palace. That left nineteen more men remaining in her Selection.

Nara was getting ready for bed when she heard a lovely voice singing. She followed the sound, stopping at one of the doors of the Selected. She knocked on the door, making the voice immediately stop.

"Oh, your highness." Haechan said, quickly bowing to her. His cheeks were flushed with embarrassment from the sudden presence of the princess.

"Were you singing?" Nara asked. Haechan's eyes quivered before responding.

"Yes, was I too loud?" Haechan asked, worry spread throughout his face. Nara couldn't help but giggle, hoping that it would help lighten the mood.

"Yes, but I would have been much angrier if your voice wasn't so lovely." Nara told him. Haechan scratched the back of his neck, shy from her compliment.

"Ah, thank you, your highness." Haechan told her. Nara nodded her head.

"I'll let you go this time, but try not to sing too loudly at night." Nara said before turning her heels.

"Goodnight, your highness." Haechan said, making Nara stop in her tracks. She turned her head to face Haechan who was staring into her eyes.

"Goodnight, Haechan." Nara said before making her way up the stairs, retreating to her room for the night.


Breakfast was much more enjoyable that day, as Nara was sitting Lucas and Jungwoo, both pleasant to be around. Jungwoo was more on the quieter side while Lucas was the complete opposite. Lucas was loud but extremely funny, making it hard for Nara to keep her etiquette as she ate her breakfast.

"Jaemin suggested a power pose." Lucas said, explaining his photoshoot with Jaemin the day before. "So I did this." Lucas put up an arm, flexing his biceps. "But then he said it was too cheesy!"

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