Chapter 20

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Renjun and Yangyang were next, choosing Prince Elias of Germany and his family, with their reception on the second day. On the first day would be Mark and Haechan, welcoming Prince James of New England's family.

It was clear that Jaemin, Yangyang, and Mark had made clear ties with these three countries, making the project perfect. The boys had been planning for a few days between their lessons and today, they would be presenting their initial plans to Nara and Heeyoung.

"First we have Mark and Haechan." Heeyoung said, bringing the two boys into the room. They both held folders in their hands as they walked in before taking a seat across the table from where Nara and Heeyoung sat. They passed each of them a folder for them to flip through while they explained their plan.

"We want to do an afternoon tea reception." Mark said, showing her the images they had found. Nara nodded her head.

"That sounds like a good idea." Nara told them.

"We plan on having it in the gardens with white tables laid out." Haechan showed her the layout of the garden they wanted, along with some of the dishes they planned on serving."

"I think you two are on the right track." Heeyoung told them before dismissing them. Next was Renjun and Yangyang.

"For dinner, we plan on serving beer, bread, and sausages, the typical foods of Germany." Yangyang explained.

"We would also like the orchestra to play." Renjun added. Heeyoung and Nara had also felt that they were doing well so the two boys were soon dismissed, Jeno and Jaemin entering.

"How has the planning been?" Heeyoung asked the two.

"It's been good. We've been researching a lot." Jeno answered.

"Prince Cai's family has came many times. I'm interested in learning how you might make this time different." Nara said as she took the folder from Jeno's hand. Their fingers brushed for a second, making Nara freeze as it felt like sparks had flew from his touch. Jeno must have felt it as well as he quickly returned his hands to his lap, avoiding eye contact with her.

Heeyoung cleared her throat, snapping Nara back into reality.

"We have decided to prepare a dragon dance." Jaemin told them.

"Dragon dance?" Nara asked. Jeno nodded, confirming Jaemin's words.

"It's done traditionally there but hasn't been done in the palace before." Jaemin explained. "Winwin had a connection so we can finally bring it here."

"That would be different." Nara said as Heeyoung nodded in agreement.

"I look forward to seeing how your reception will play out." Heeyoung said. Nara glanced at Jaemin who motioned to Jeno with his head.

"Jeno, can you meet me in the gardens for dessert after dinner?" Nara asked him. She knew that Jeno couldn't reject her offer, especially with Jaemin and Heeyoung there.

"Of course, your highness." Jeno said, a hint of bitterness in his voice. He soon left the room with Jaemin.

Even though it was her title, because Jeno had called her than, Nara felt hurt. She shook it away, focusing on Heeyoung and what she had to say about the receptions instead.


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