Chapter 6

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"Lee Haechan, is it?" Nara asked as a brown-haired male with sun kissed skin walked in.

"Yes, your highness." Haechan said closing the door behind him. Nara smiled. Good manners, I like that.

"Please take a seat." Nara said, motioning to the chair in front of her. Haechan nodded, following her instructions.

"So tell me a bit about yourself." Nara said. Haechan seemed to fumble with his fingers for a bit before answering.

"I'm a singer." Haechan told her. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "Would you like to hear a song?"

Nara nodded her head and Haechan took a deep breath before singing a love song. Nara had to admit, Haechan had a lovely voice.

Let's keep him for a bit longer.


Nara rubbed her temples. It felt like she gone through a million interviews, yet two still remained. She looked at her list. Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno.

The boys seemed to all be very different from one another, giving her a wide variety of selection. Some stood out in good ways, others, not so much.

Kun had done a magic trick during his interview, while Winwin did a flip before exiting. Mark had written her a beautiful poem. The youngest, Jisung, who was two years younger than her, had entered the room popping his arms. Nara couldn't help but giggle as she watched him. Even though he wasn't exactly her type, Nara still wanted to keep him around since he was such an adorable kid.

There were also the many men that left a bad impression on her. One had terrible breath and it took everything in her no to fan the air in front of her when he spoke. Another was much too touchy and flirty. One smelled like he hadn't showered in days, even though she knew the stylist probably did everything they could.

Then left the few that she ultimately felt no connection with. It was like a she was talking to the wall. Nara sighed as she looked at the long list of names in front of her.

Her head moved up as she heard the door open, Jaemin poking his head in.

"Oh there's no cameras?" Jaemin said looking around the room.

"Just hurry up and sit, will you?" Nara said, eyeing the boy. Jaemin chuckled before taking the seat across from her.

"How are they?" Jaemin asked her. Nara shrugged her shoulders.

"Looks like I have to keep you a bit longer." Nara told him. Jaemin nodded his head, looking away.

"Yeah I had a feeling." Jaemin said. He sat comfortably, leaning back in the seat, hands over the arm rest and foot propped up on his knee. That's the one advantage Jaemin had over the others, he was comfortable around her. He already knew what she liked and didn't like, some would say it gave him a boost in the competition.

But Nara would say it was the opposite. She had no romantic feelings for the boy, and never will. She knew Jaemin, and she knew his flirty nature and all his flaws. She saw him as a brother, nothing more, nothing less.

"You do?" Nara asked. Jaemin nodded.

"You're forgetting that I spend more time with these men than you do." Jaemin said before leaning forward towards her.

"I swear I saw one of the pick their nose and eat it." Jaemin whispered.

"Ew, that is absolutely disgusting!" Nara exclaimed as Jaemin leaned back into his chair, giggling.

"I know. So I hope you can do us all a favour and eliminate those ones." Jaemin told her.

"Oh trust me, I will." Nara said, looking back down at her list. She felt Jaemin staring at her so she looked back up to see him giving her a concerned look.

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