Chapter 26

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"So you've narrowed it down to three?" The King asked as he placed a sandwich on his plate. Nara nodded her head.

"Yes, I eliminated Yangyang and he went home yesterday. He was a lovely boy but I don't think he could have given up racing to be the next prince." Nara told her father.

"Giving up their occupation is a hard one. Your mother had a hard time adjusting to the life of a royal too, but she had willingly done it for love." The King said.

"What even is love." Nara sighed. Her father chuckled.

"Are you having a hard time?" The King asked. Nara hesitated, recalling her mother's words before nodding her head.

"I was so certain about one of the boys but then I learned something new about another one and now I'm just confused." Nara admitted.

"Jeno and Jaemin?" Her father asked. Nara was taken aback by the question.

"How did you know?" The King simply smiled.

"Sweetheart, you're quite easy to read. Plus, I am your father." The King said.

"I knew it wasn't Renjun because he's good, too good. He would make an amazing ruler but a terrible partner for someone as competitive as you." The King said with a chuckle. "You need someone that can tone you down a notch."

"Thanks." Nara said, holding the urge to roll his eyes.

"Jeno has clearly been your favourite since day 1. You constantly stared at him and took him on dates. I did that too with your mother before we got married." The King continued.

"And the only one that remains is Jaemin, which means he's the one making you confused." The King let out a small laugh before adding, "as expected from Lady Na's son."

"I never knew you were one to solve mysteries." Nara said to her father as he gave her a wide grin.

"If I were to be completely honest, I'm not. But chatting with your mother at night helps." The King said, giving his daughter a wink. Nara instantly flinched at the sight.

"Don't ever do that again." Nara said with a look of disgust in her face. That only made the grin on the King's face widen.

"Anyways, in all seriousness, maybe you need to test the waters with Jaemin a bit. You two have always kept it friendly but try a little romance with him. If it feels right, then you'll know he's the one. If it doesn't then you know where your heart truly lies." The King suggested.

"Won't that hurt the boys, though?" Nara pointed out. The King's mouth opened before closing. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before exhaling.

"Yes, there is a possibility of that happening but they know this is a competition so they should understand." The King told her. Nara slowly nodded her head.

"I suppose you're right." Nara said, taking in his words. The King suddenly perked up, as if he remembered something.

"I almost forgot but the reason why I called for lunch today was to give you this." The King said, pulling out a medium size red velvet box from the inside of his suit. Nara took it in her hands.

When she opened the box, two gold rings were revealed. One with a beautiful diamond on it, the other simpler, but still just as gorgeous.

"What is this?" Nara exclaimed.

"It's a family heirloom." The King told her. "Engagement rings, given at every Selection."

"Engagement rings? Already?" Nara asked. The King bit his lower lip.

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