Chapter 21

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It was the day of Mark and Haechan's reception. The two boys were running around the castle, making sure everything was running smoothly, which unfortunately for them, wasn't what was happening. Nara couldn't only stand at the sidelines as the mess unfolded in front of her.

"Haechan, did you mess this up?" Mark exclaimed, holding up a flower.

"Yes, you said roses, right?" Haechan answered as Mark threw his hands up.

"I did! These are tulips, Haechan! Tulips." Mark was clearly angry as Haechan bowed his head.

"Um, they won't be able to tell the difference, right?" Haechan asked but Mark only shook his head.

"Do you really think the English royals won't be able to recognize their national flower?" Mark asked. Haechan was silent. Nara decided to step out of the shadows.

"It's okay Mark. Everyone makes mistakes. Why don't you boys get changed with the others?" Nara told them. Mark shot Haechan a look.

"You're lucky the suits were done properly." Mark said as he made his way to the Men's room, Haechan following close behind.


Nara wore a floral dress and white heels for the event. Her hair was tied into a low bun, a sunhat sitting on top of her head. She stood with Mark and Haechan as they greeted the English royals and their friends.

 She stood with Mark and Haechan as they greeted the English royals and their friends

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"Mark, Haechan, this is my older sister, Jane." James said, introducing them to the lady with him. She stuck her hand out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two." Jane said, shaking each of their hands.

"We have a lovely event planned for today." Mark said to them. Haechan nodded.

"A tea party outside in the palace gardens." Haechan told them.

"Outside?!" Jane exclaimed. Nara could see the nervous expression on Haechan's face.

"Um, yes your highness." Haechan said, exchanging looks with Mark.


"This was an absolute disaster." Heeyoung mumbled from beside Nara. She couldn't help but agree.

The event had started out great, minus the wrong flowers being the centrepiece but it seemed as though the English didn't notice and if they did, they didn't seem to mind. It all started to go downhill when the sun started to shine down on them as the food came out.

The food attracted a lot of insects, bothering Jane. She swung her hand around, trying to shoo them off but one of the insects turned out to be a wasp.

Jane yelped in pain as she was stung be the insect. Mark instinctively helped her but she swatted him away, angrily following a nurse inside the castle. Not before yelling a loud, "this is why I hate being outdoors," earning multiple apologies from James to the two Selected who had planned the event.

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