Chapter 29

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Nara was leaning against Jeno's chest, sitting in between his legs as his arms wrapped around her waist with her hands on top of his. They were both wearing their new engagement rings, the two items sitting side by side on their hands. Jeno and Nara were staring at the night sky above them, the stars twinkling in the night.

"So now what?" Jeno ask as he turned his attention back to the girl, placing a small kiss on her neck.

"I still need to annouce it to the country, which means you can't wear that ring in public yet." Nara told him.

"That's fine, as long as I'm still your fiancé." Jeno told her. Nara couldn't help but smile as he said the word, and it was clear that Jeno had noticed.

"What?" Jeno said as Nara turned to face him.

"Nothing. I just can't believe that we're really engaged." Nara confessed, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned forward, connecting their noses. Jeno smiled at her.

"Well you better believe it." Jeno said, giving her a wide grin.

"I love you, Jeno." Nara said, the words coming straight from the bottom of her heart.

"I love you too, Nara." Jeno replied before kissing her once again.


Nara paced back and forth in her study. The ring felt heavy on her finger.

The news of her engagement with Jeno was just announced, and she was happy, for the most part. The happiness lasted until she had realized that she hadn't told Jaemin, meaning that Jaemin would be finding out from the newspapers, not his best friend.

Despite what had happened between them, Nara felt guilty. Even though they weren't on the best terms at the moment, it didn't change the fact that Jaemin was her closest friend and had always been there for her through thick and thin.

Nara was awfully surprised when she had received a "letter" from a maid, Jaemin's name on the back. It was actually a note requesting to meet with her.

Nara had quickly written back, telling him that she would be in her study all day before sending it off with a maid.

Nara stared at the clock, wondering how much longer it would take for Jaemin to come when the door opened, the boy poking his head in.

"Hi." Jaemin simply said as the maids turned to look at him from the sound of his voice. They began to leave, already know that when Jaemin came, the two of them wanted their privacy.

"I'm sorry." Nara blurted out before Jaemin could take a seat. "I-"

Jaemin held up his hands. "Before you start talking, I want to apologize first."

Nara simply nodded as she sat down across from him. Jaemin gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry for leaving that day. It's not your fault that you fell in love with someone else and it never will be." Jaemin told her.

"Nara, you're my closest friend, and I shouldn't have ruined that. I've been thinking about how much you mean to me, even if I'm not your fiancé, and I don't want all those years to go to waste." Jaemin continued.

"Nara, please just take my apology first." Jaemin asked her. Nara waited a moment before taking a deep breath.

"Jaemin, your my best friend. I forgive you and I always will." Nara reassured him. Jaemin nodded his head before a grin spread across his face.

"So our little Nara is getting married, huh?" Jaemin said, wiggling his eyebrows. Nara's face fell.

"Actually that's what I wanted to apologize about. As your best friend, I should have told you myself instead of letting you hear from the news." Nara said. Jaemin gave her a soft look.

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