Chapter 28

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"Jeno, will you marry me." Nara asked softly, just loud enough for Jeno to hear. Jeno was clearly in shock his eyes still glued to the ring inside the box.

"I've been terrible, I know. But I have a lot to say to you, Jeno and trust me when I say I didn't make this decision light-heartedly." Nara said to the boy. Jeno looked up from the box, meeting her eyes.

Nara took a deep breath, letting her emotions take over for her.

"When I first met you, I knew there was something special with you. The way you captivated me was so different, nothing I had ever experienced before. You were like a breath of fresh air, so different yet so addicting. Once I inhaled it once, I knew I couldn't get enough. I needed more."

"Ever since the beginning of the Selection, you were always on my mind. I looked forward to spending time with you and it was so difficult for me to hide that your were my favourite. Time would always fly by with you and it was because you saw me for me. I wasn't the princess, the heir to the country. I was just myself, Kang Nara."

"And our first kiss, oh my gosh, just thinking about it sends shivers down my back. It was absolutely magical, I felt like I was on cloud nine. It was so perfect the way we blended together. There was nothing else that could replace that feeling, just pure bliss."

"When I heard that Jaemin liked me, I doubted myself and I doubted my love for you. I had feelings for Jaemin for so long before I met you, that I couldn't differentiate between my love for you and what I once had for him. I'm so sorry that I had to kiss Jaemin to realize that I loved you and only you this entire time."

"But now, I'm sure, certain as the sun. I know that you're the one that I love and the one I was to spend the rest of my days with. I'm sure that I want you by my side, ruling the country together. I'm certain that I want to call you mine, to wake up to your face every day until I die. I'm certain that I want to marry you, Jeno."

Nara let out a deep breath. Jeno seemed taken aback by her words. "I'm sorry, that was a lot. Pure word vomit."

Jeno shook his head. "No, it's fine. I'm just taking it all in... Slowly."

Nara nodded her head, giving the male some time. I hope I didn't say anything wrong.

Jeno finally spoke but it wasn't the words she had expected to hear. "So you kissed Jaemin?"

That was the one thing I was hoping he wasn't going to ask. Nara had been debating as to whether or not she should have told him that and decided to tell him. If they were going to get married, she needed to be fully honest with him.

"Yes, Jeno I did." Nara told him.

"I see." Jeno simply said. Nara quickly added on.

"But it was terrible, absolutely terrible. Nothing in comparision to what we have. It was extremely awkward, quite embarassing actually."

"Oh really now?" Jeno said, a hint of playfulness in his voice. Nara nodded.

"Very bad. I'd much rather kiss you all day long." Her words made Jeno smile, giving her a bit of comfort.

"Is that so?" Jeno asked, leaning forward. Nara felt the wind being knocked out of her lungs as his nose brushed against hers.

"Yes." Nara squeaked as she felt Jeno's breath hot on her face.

"That's good to hear." Jeno whispered before placing his lips on hers. He quickly pulled back after a small kiss, giving her a mischievos grin.

"Jeno- Oh!" Nara was taken by suprised when Jeno pulled her onto his lap, aggressively placing her on his lap before smashing his lips against hers once again. Nara quickly adjusted her legs around his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him as close to her as possible.

There was nothing but pure love as their lips locked, and soon they were both out of breath, resting their foreheads against each other as they stared lovingly into each other's eyes, both their lips swollen from the kiss.

Jeno broke the silence.

"To be quite honest Nara, I thought I lost you that day." Jeno confessed. Nara couldn't believe her ears.

"Me? I thought I lost you, Jeno. I fully expected you to ask me to send you home." Nara told him. Jeno chuckled.

"To be honest, I was considering it." Jeno admitted. "But my love for you was too strong for that."

"So you do love me?" Nara said, a grin spreading across her face. Jeno tickled her sides, making her hug onto him tighter.

"Of course I do." Jeno responded, placing a small kiss on her forehead. "How can I not?"

Nara leaned back, staring into his eyes in all seriousness. Jeno's smile faded from his face.

"Is something wrong?" Jeno asked her. Nara nodded her head.

"Yes Jeno, there is something wrong." Nara said, a pout forming on her face.

"Tell me." Jeno said to her. Nara clenched her teeth, trying her best to prevent herself from breaking out into laughter as Jeno gave her a worried look, clearly concerned by her words.

"Jeno..." Nara began, staring deeply into Jeno's dark brown eyes.

"Yes?" Jeno said to her.

"You didn't answer my question." Nara said quickly before a smile formed on her face.

Nara burst out laughing and it certainly didn't help when Jeno began tickling her.

"Jeno!" Nara exclaimed between her breaths.

"You thought that was funny, huh?" Jeno said as he continued tickling her. Nara patted his back, beggin him to stop.

"I. Can't. Breathe." Nara huffed out. Jeno grabbed her waist and removed her from his lap. She ended up lying down on her back on top of the blanket. Jeno quickly climbed on top of her, pinning her down as he held onto her arms. He shoved his face into the crook of her neck as she breathed deeply, trying to catch her breath.

"My apologies, princess." Jeno said softly as Nara ran her finger through his brown hair.

"It's okay, Jeno. But I'm serious, I'd like an answer to my question." Nara said.

"What question?" Jeno asked.

"Will you marry me?" Nara asked again. Jeno lifted his head, staring down at her before placing a small kiss on her lips.

"Of course I'll marry you, Nara, what type of question is that? You're my one and only love, I'll marry you without even a split second of hesitation."

Nara could only smile before connecting their lips once again.



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